~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Let's eat mushroom ;)

*Yayyy* ;) From Paris to Berlin to every disco I get in, my heart is pumping for LOVE!!~~~ Eh salah, from Prenster to Blogspot to every website I get in, my eyes are pumping for.. umm.. apa ahh? I don't know. Huhu.. Lamee ehh ;p

Okay, enuff of the crap, k. Krg saja makan crepes. Lapas atu makan crab-sitck! ;p What I was trying to imply on the previous paragraph is, I had a blog before on Friendster but now I'm moving on to a proper one. The one with a tag and all. So yeahh...

I'm in the lab stil. I got in a bit late today due to some circumstances at home that couldn't be avoided such as house cleaning. That include mem-vaccum, me-lipat laundry, menyuci jamban dan sebagainya. Plus I woke up late! Huhu.. ;p That's the actual reason though. Hehe.. Well, you can't blame me! It's worldcup fever. It's the time where people can't make any compromise to their daily life basis (going to work or uni or sebagainya lah). It's once every 4 years. So, are you gonna blame me? Inda kan? Ok, da' gud! Huhu ;p I'm so happy Brazil won last night. The first goal was brilliant! Too bad Ronaldinho *sighhhh* hasn't been showing his talent. I guess credit Easinya abis kali kan men-text aku, so masa ani ia resah! Ataupun inda mau roaming. Hehe (Mammat & Mirul tau ni ceritanya. Haha ;p) Anyway, jangan tah perasahan ani, k ;p

I reckon I better get on with my work and get back to blogging later. And also, since this blog has just been published, it is still under construction and I promise I'll work on it later or maybe tmrw or next week or next month kah. Huhu *nadawahhhhh~~* With that I'll wrap it up with a link to get access from my previous friendster's blog ;) Cheers, Big ears!!


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