Go Italians ;)

I went to the city earlier and my gosh, SALE every-single-where! But I'm happy, I lay-by-ed something that I'm sure I'll be proud of. Huhu. Good thing I was there for only a few hours and managed to cuci-mata on some shoes-that-I-almost-lay-by-but-nada-size-Thank-Goodness-but-kusut-jua-cos-lawa-brabis-and-sale-pun! *taking a deep breath* Oh well, sep jua duit. I was being a good girl for not staying that long in the city. So I headed back home and set my mode to 'memburuk' instead. I was suppose to do some readings on the protocol that I've got from UQ but hmppphh.. I failed to do so. I reckon I have to push myself nowadays. I'm just getting lazier and slacking. Which isn't good. I don't wanna end up being a SLOTH! Hehe ;p Or shud I say DODO. Cos I had this conversation with a friend on which animal is the slowest of all. Hehe. My pren cakap 'Dodo'!! (Those whose studying in Australia should know this. Yang advert internet, broadband atu bah. Yg bird ada cape, yg terabang terabang atu. Huhu. Does it click?) Anyway, I'll try to get some work done by this weekend I guess... I hope...
Oh today's Ashraf's Birthday! So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! *hugs* I still can't believe it that you may not be coming back, daleng... Hmphhh... Hope to see you soon.
Congratulations to Umi and my other Glasgow friends on their graduation ceremony! I trust you had a great time and that includes wearing the graduation kit, name being called in front of hundreds or thousands of people, seeing yourself on the big screen, finally holding that one piece of paper that you've been working hard on for years and of course taking pictures. *sighhhh* And this goes to my friends here in Brisbane as well... Happy Graduating! ;)
Anyway, Armageddon is currently showing on 7 and I could not help but watch it for the thousandth time. Siuk bah ceritanya ni. Oh, talking about movies, I watched Pirates of the Carrabiean: Dead Man's Chest last night. It was a full house and segala culture keluar. Arab&Co, Indo&Kunchu dan lain lain. Umm.. It was dragging and a bit darker than the first one. And since I caught it at 9.20pm, my concentration was at a low level, knowing how slow I am. So I guess, I might need to watch it again.. on DVD pulang tu! ;p I prefer the first one though. More straight forward and less scarry pasal nada sea mansters. Briijap bah! I got goosebumps just watching the mansters. Hmphh. Ngilu kueee~~ But hey, why don't you go and check it out yourself ;) Mirul liked it. He preferred the second one. So yeah, just go ahead and judge it yourself, k.
Lastly, this may be useful for those whose been gymming or doing sports or been doing some strenous exercise. I was reading through Brudirect yesterday and came across a good tip on my favourite section ;) Apparently, cherry juice is good for easing the pain of sore muscles. I know banana does but harga banana mahal udah masa ani ($11.99 per kg) so we might as well look up for an alternative. It is believed that cherry juice has this power in alleviating the symptoms of inflammatory conditions and can reduce the symptoms of muscle damage plus it contains antioxidant! So people, add cherries or cherry juice on your shoppoing list and kiss goodbye to muscles sores! ;) Alrighty, mighty...
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