No pain.. but am i gaining?
Woke up at 9.35am. Wasn't planning to wake up that early but oh well.. Worse thing is I woke up with sores! Sores of the day: ABT, chest, calves.. pokoknya almost everything. I feel like soaking myself with bath salts. Hmpphh. I can't stretch, I can't laugh, I can't really walk *sighhh* I had a PT (personal trainer BUKAN pregnancy test) session yesterday and mannn, she was really pushing me.. which was good. Again I'm very dissapointed with my triceps muscles. I couldn't do the triceps push-ups on the floor. Paksa pakai dinding. Hahaha! That explains the extra-lamak-dangly-thing yang hanging (if i shake my arms sideways. Huhuhu.. Whoopppsss, overshare! ;p) Anyway, I'm planning to go for the BodyPump class later supaya sakit and sore lagi the muscles! Feitsh kaliahh ;p And oh, did I mention that my PT is Philipino?!! Yup yup!! She's Filipina. Confirm! 10 weeks after this, I'll know a lot of Taglog (not to mention with the help of Missy Mea).
I had AF marathon last night since I was really tired. I like Velvet, Farhan, Faizal and MAYBE Lotter pasal ya cali! Haha. Macam Yassin Senario usulnya sama ya kecil pun! Overall, I'm satisfied that this AF4 isn't as predictable as the last one. And I can't believe it's already halfway through. Hmmm... I reckon time flies fast these days, pkai speed 5 krita manual! Or maybe pakai NOS (yang macam Fast&Furious bah) ;p
Anyway, today's Nana's Birthday so.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NAAAA!! ;) Last year tani celebrate di LeTaj, so what's your plan this year? Hmpphh, I wish I was there to celebrate it with you *sighhh* Oh well, have a good one, take lotsa pictures dan sebagainya! *hugs*

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