~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Friday, July 14, 2006

The truth about rabbits ;p

Just a few weeks ago or maybe a month plus, my sister, K-nah, was given a pair of bunnies. We've been dying for bunnies all this while and at last our prayers had been answered. I really can't wait to see them. I always had this passion for rabbits ever since I was little. I prefer bunnies than teddy bears. Pet-wise, I prefer rabbits than cats. We used to have rabbits before when I was around 8 years old but selalu mati, heart-attack kana kajuti kuyuk. The dogs barked at them, pasal atu the rabbits kebeliangan. Plus I had a good collection of bunny rabbits (anak patung) when I was younger and this passion for rabbits made me love eating carrots! (But not as much as I love mushrooms. Huhuhu ;p)

Recently, I had a conversation with K-nah on MSN.

Me: Knah behapa?
Knah: Knah cari pagar utk rabbit
Me: Aahh.. brapa ikung kan arnab tani ani?
Knah: dua ikung
Me: apa jantina nya?
Knah: F n M
Me: aii, bisai tu. suruh durang becinta. ramai jua arnab ketani!
Me: liatkan drg Romeo & Juliet supaya drg dapat make love while watching it
Knah: hehe
Knah: balum lagi baligh nya bapa
Me: *LOL* hahahaha

Ada-ada saja kan my dad atu. Binatang pun kan di consider barang cematu. Baligh plissss!! Hahaha.. I just couldn't stop laughing. Huhuhu ;p

wink me


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