~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Backfire..? or frontwater? ;p

Okay, so here I am waiting for the sound of my supervisor's bicycle. (Yup, he rides to uni) You know the sound of the tyre.. He was supposed to help me with an experiment today but...

*knock on the door*
Me: Come in *looked at the door* (Dalam ati "eh, bekunci panya") *opened the door*
It was Leigh, the head of admin for the School of BBS. I was surprised to see her. For a second there, I thought I was in deep sh*t.
Leigh: Marha.. Dave's away for today. He rang me and told me to tell you that he's at home, marking. He forgot to rang you and he's deeply sorry about it.
Me: Oh, that's ok.. Thanks anyway, Leigh

Hmphh! Ok, so how dis? I guess I'm officially got backfired by my supervisor. You think? Nauzubillah. I wanna take this as 'ketulahan' but I don't wanna put it that way. Looking on the bright side, I can just focus on my writing which I've been doing since I came in. Oh well, tomorrow, tomorrow lah.. Meantime, writing saja keh!


10 things I fear the most:

1. When I woke up in the morning and I found out that my eyes were wayyy apart 'cos that's what I always notice in some people and I do believe in Karma. Nauzubillah. But I found that some people with those kind of eyes.. lawa! Walaupun macam ikan usulnya. For example, Brandy. Pokoknya, I don't want, keh! One time, I even asked a friend if my eyes had drifted apart pasalnya masa atu I was on the fone with Mum and I was looking at my reflection at the same time for like 10 seconds (nope, not admiring myself keh. Just to check out how I looked like. I've forgotten bah. Refreshing my memory.. macam revision. Sama tah tu. Potaytoes potartoes). And I said to myself *dalam ati* "eh, begarak mata ani..?". I was paranoid and I texted a friend. And ya ckp "inda". Phew! Apakan. Macam tah ya nampak jua. I guess ya menyaman kan ati saja. Hehe. At the end of the day, I realised that I can't do two things at a time i.e. on the fone and checking out my reflection.. That's why!!

2. *Ani serious ni and the common one* Losing my family and friends. Broad pulang tu but yeah, enough said. You get the picture kan?

3. *Another serious one* Losing my eyesights. Nauzubillah. So, misti banyak-banyak makan carrot, inda bulih expose to sunlight batah (apakan.. menjaga kulit kah mata ni) and inda bulih banyak menangis. Karang macam Kassim Selamat. Antah banar kah inda tu. But I take it as a precaution. And you should do too ;)

4. Snake(s) encounter. Nauzubillah. Thanks Bo, for passing the gene to me. Sigh. Now I'm stuck with ophidiophobia. I always imagine that when I was about to go to sleep and then bila buka my duvet, ada tia bendalah ah. Mann.. me and my thoughts. Nauzubillah. Nauzubillah.

5. Losing my religion. Nauzubillah. I'm happy to be born as a muslim, brought up as a muslim, living in a country that practise muslim very well and hopefully, InsyaAllah, will breathe the last air as a muslim. Amin.

6. I'm scarred of getting fat. My definition of fat is fat as in fat fat bah. You know fat obese. Bariijap. Nauzubillah. It's not just because of the image, but the consequences of health conditions. Nauzubillah. Kalau bulih I can still do push-ups and sit-ups sampai bila-bila. I wanna be as fit as I was when I was still in training. Wishfull thinking ahh. Oh, I miss those trainings. I can't wait to get back to the gym again *kira pakai jari brapa minggu lagi tinggal* Hmphh.. batah lagiii :(

7. Losing my S&Bs. Mann.. menangis tuuuu mun ilang. Nauzubillah (How many times have I said this. Hehe)

8. Amnesia. The memories that I've got stored in this brain are just too irreplaceable. Once again.. Nauzubillah.. Oh and also I don't wanna get Alzheimer's. Since category nya sama. I might as well just add it here. Huhu.

9. Trapped in a coffin-kinda-feeling. You know, patang and sampit. Macam Kill Bill 2 ah. Subahaaanallahhh.. Bari ijap. I'm also claustrophobic. I guess this is the first phobia that I discovered. I first knew that I have claustrophobia was when I was young. Masa main hide and seek. Not my kinda game. Main carah duduk saja k.

10. Last one: when I found myself all alone in this world. As in ALONE!! Langsung nada urang. Binatang pun nada. I guess I don't like being lonely, huh? Apatah salahnya membuat "being alone" or "being lonely". Hehe. But that one lagi bari ijap. ALONE as in NO ONE's around bah. Majal tu. Get the picture kah? Hehe.

Okeh dat's it.. Happy mid-of-the-week people! ;)


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