Tali kasut

Aarrgghh.. It's already Sunday. It has been a rough week for me. Couldn't go to uni on Friday under certain considerate circumstances. I was supposed to do my presentation on that day but I just couldn't go to uni. Inda dapat reveal, k. I feel guilty pulang.. to my cells. But hmphh, there are just some things that can't be avoided kannn?? But my Saturday was well spent. Woke up late. Yayyy!! Finally, I slept in. And then I cooked something different for sungkai. Teehee ;) and oh, my housemates, apanah.. bangun pukul 5.30pm (or later) plisss.. I envy them but inda jua. Iatah bagi paning kepala tu.
As in today, my plan is to cook a bit earlier for sungkai. Mirul promised that we're going for groceries at 3pm. Let's just see if that's gonna happen.
Ok then, I'll leave you with the pictures (coutersy of Mammat). It's actually pictures from the new Sneaker store, Laced, located in Adelaide street. I think it was opened sometime last two weeks. I'm not really sure though. But I'm pretty sure it's new 'cos kadainya ni masih lagi bau baru! ;p I really like the interior. I went there last week to check it out and fell in love with the place, bukan barang-barang keh! Hehe.. I love it!
Awu, tangga. Kalau kemari ikut saja tangga nya ni, keh!
Lawaaa kannn..
Oh, I was just reading Jeeah's blog. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. She had katam masak kicap pliss. Next time Jeeah, if you're having those kind of dishes, inda payah say it out loud dalam blog, ok! Time puasa lagi. Katam di sini inda fresh unless if you go to a very mahal restaurant. Or kalau teseliur pun makan crab stick ganya.. atu pun bukan di buat daripada crab! Penipu urang membuat "crab"-stick atu ehh. Hmphh. So, once again Jeeah ah.. please DON'T!!!
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