~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Friday, September 22, 2006


I was reading Jeeah's blog and it was about Cendol gulayan! Haha. Gulayan plisss. *Marharaini, jangan tah kan mengetawakan urang keh! Diri atu sama jua. Huhu* Okay, I'm about to reveal my most embarassing moment during the fasting month back in 2001 or 2002. Masa atu alum lagi skulah luar negri so puasa is like food heaven! Ok, here goes.. *gulp* (Promise jangan ucapkan or ketawakan, keh?)

It was around 5pm where everyone rushed to the Gerai Ramadhan, Stadium. Well, inda pulang rushing. Huhu. And of course I was one of them along with my sisters. Shopping list? I don't think you need it. Semuanya dalam kepala kaliahh. Hehe. So I had putu mayang (or kutu mayang?), cindul, apam balik and ruti john in mind or maybe my subconcious mind. Hehe. Those 4 items.. a MUST! Sekali I wanted to get the cindul.. and then:

Me: Brapa sebungkus cindul atu?
Teenage guy: Yang mana satu?
Me: *looking at the choices* (Ada 2 pulang. Green sama brown. But I like the green one)
Me: *dengan confident* Umm.. yang ijau atu ah, cindul PANDAN (Uhuh, I said that. And my elder sister didn't say anything. So I assumed lurus lah tu)
Guy: *tekidum* seringgit. Brapa bungkus KITA mau?
Me: Dua saja *Thinking: napa ya tekidum-kidum ani kan. GATAL jua eh* and I handed $2 to him
Guy: *masih tekidum*
Me: Trima kasih ah *hmphh*

So I got all the food and headed back.

Masuk rumah and headed straight towards the kitchen.

Me: Assalammualaikummmmmmm!! *energetically happy*
Babu: Walaikumsalam. Apa di bali, Lai?
Me: Macam biasa. Putu mayang, apam balik, ruti john sama cindul PANDAN
Babu: Apa cindul PANDAN ani?
Me: Yang ijau atu bah. Bukan yang gulanau ih. Inda Alai suka tu
Babu: *smiled* cindul SANTAN lahh
Me: Iakah? *thinking* Bwoh, pandan tah urang menjual atu tekidum, Bo! Salah cakap rupanya *pacah ketawa*
Babu: Eh, daras jua ehh
Abang: (coming out of nowhere) cindul PANDAN *sarcastically*

Hehe. I was practically laughing at myself sampai kan abis energy. Malu ehhhh. Luan confident bah. So guys, it doesn't mean it's green.. it's PANDAN okay?! Hmphhh. Malu ehh.. Every since then, tukar tampat bali cindul. Inda lagi mau arah that particular gerai.


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