I'm sorry
I would like to apologise to:
(1) food. For neglecting them these past few days. Sorry for not consuming you properly
(2) my tummy. For making it growl all the time. I say I blame this to the appetite
(3) the kitchen. For not cleaning you and using you
(4) my housemates. For not cooking. Soon, k. InsyaAllah, when I'm back on my feet
(5) my bed. For abusing you. I know I'm suppose to 'use' you for sleeping only but.. I can't help it. I owe you one
(6) my personal trainer. For dissapointing you during the training earlier. I was really weak 'cos I haven't been consuming enough food. (Sorry again, Food).
Mannn, banyak dusa cemani ani. Seriously I didn't do very well for my training this morning. I did the hover pose sekajap saja. I was a bit dissapointed with myself. Oh well.. And guess what, I wanted to do Body Pump pun inda terdaya. So I went back after my training session. Then back again to the gym for Body Balance (tai-chi + yoga + pilates), since my PT was instructing it. It was alright.
To: Jeeah
This is your baju. I'm jealous. This is the last size pun! Consider yourself lucky and you have to keep your words, ok? You know that so much effort was done in purchasing this shirt kan. So please.. Show us that you can!! ;) It'll be in your hands soon. Sooner than you think ;) Trust me, Jeeah sorang ganya makai ni nanti. Go crazy with it, k. Hehe...

Tag replies:
Yus: Coolies like woolies you like monkies wear panties but can't kiss kiss. Hehe ;p
7269: Sorry eyy.. hehe. Nada Adidas-tekuladas ;p I'll make a research nanti
N21: It's only $200!! But check on ebay if you really want it. Mahal pulang tu, Nad. Ridiculosly mahal. Oh, I surely did got my hands on them!! Fonzie kaliahh!
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