Snakes and Rabbits

I caught Snakes on the Plane earlier and mann.. scarry brabis. Previously, I told you about me being ophidiophobia right? Thank goodness it didn't really affect me. I'm not that scarred anymore. Huhu. At least I can stand the sight of them. Inda pulang brapa terbayang2. Huhu ;p
Black & White
Anyway, I found these adorable bunnies on Youtube. Trust me, you'll melt when you watch this video. Aren't they just perfectly cute? Pipi durang lagi puffy! Hmphh.
I think I blog too much about animals for now. I'm gonna lay off on the animal issue (nope, this website bukan pasal animals, k) pasalnya animals pun ada rights bah minta bayar pasal durang kana advertise sana sini. Huhu ;p
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