~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's funny how nature works

As I finished running my errands at the plaza yesterday, I stopped by at Tony's, the Italian hairdresser across my place. I just wanted to pay him a visit. He showed me around his house that he wanted to rent out. The rooms are so spacious and so is the kitchen. Siuk tu mun memasak. Inda sampit. Masa ani masak di rumah, NAIK!! ;p I could see that he did make an effort in furnishing the house. He bought one of the beds for $1000+. Meriah katilnya. Ala-ala ITALIAN jua. If only, he was 10-15 years younger *naughty thoughts* huhuhu ;p

Anyway, after that we chit-chatted for a bit and I saw that he has two Siamese fighting fishes as his pet. And he told me that there were two of them. A pair; a male and a female one. He even pointed out that the more-flattering-looking is the MALE one (yang ikungnya meriah warnanya. Almost macam 3-tone kalernya ah) and the other one is FEMALE. I was shocked to see that the FEMALE fighting fish was PLAIN! Macam ikan sapat!! Hmph. It really got me thinking. Nature works in the opposite way when it comes to humans and animals. Let's say for an instance.. eggsample-nya Peacock, k.. The MALE ones are more attractive compared to the plain FEMALES, you know with the ikung. Another eggsample, Snakes.. You can tell the difference when they mate. The bigger ones are usually FEMALE! Yang MALE kecil brabis tu. Hmph. I'm just glad that I was born as a complete human being. Syukur tah. At least in the 'human world', bini-bini lagi attractive compared to laki-laki ;)

This picture shows that the MALE Siamese fighting fish is more lawa than the FEMALE ones (Kan!! Macam ikan sapat kan! *majal* huhu)

This one shows the peacocks.. Napa misti the female ones plain brabis kan? I mean, who does the 'mengurat' job in the 'animal world' kan? Bini-bininya kah?

*goosebumps* I think I've inherited a little bit of my mums genes. I'm starting to develop ophidiophobia. Hopefully inda chronic macam my mum lah. They give me goosebumps and everytime I take a glance at them, I'm surely gonna get nightmares. Tebayang2 bah. Hmph. Kana hypnotised tah udah ni. Nauzubillah. I really do hope that I can still stand the sight of them 'cos as far as I know my mum got it at her teen age. Why? I don't know. Alum ya mau gitau. Udah balik Brunei tah mengurik dari Angah or Nini, k. (Sorry guys, the font kecil and inda dpt di click this picture. Sebabnya copyright control bah. Takut kana ciplak. Huhu ;p)

Lastly, I want Llamas as my pet. Preferrable macam the one in the picture. The poodle-version! Haha ;p


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