~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Fly into my palm and collapse

4.36pm.. only? It seems like it's almost 5.30pm. What's going on? Has my day been going really slow? Or am I just excited for this day to end? Hmph. I had a fair day today. Woke up late and was really rushing for uni, leaving my room in a hazardous state. My bed was undone *look at bed* umm.. yeah, my bed was undone. With lots of bajus on it and remotes lying around. Hmph. The last time I was like this was.. months and months ago. I was really tired last night and I couldn't wake up on time this morning because it was too cold and my bed was being its best in keeping me warm and cosy. Cemana tah jua? Huhu. Last last paksa bangun jua pasalnya kuyuk di sebalah rumah atu bising! I swear I really wanna shot that dog. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs.. more than cats. But this particular dog is way way wayyyy too loud! Bising bah. Bidaaa lagi tu! Landir muanya and very fierce! Hmph. But thanks to the dog. At least ia bangunkan kann.. Hehe ;p

I arrived in uni at 12pm rushing towards the building, praying that my labmates and my supervisor were still there. Baikkkk juaaa adaaa!!! We had our usual Friday meeting/lunch at the Enternet instead of the usual Uni Pub. The food was really nice and cheaper. I had Indian toasted sandwich ;) Very nice and a very healthy meal.

Spent the rest of my time in uni in the lab. Subculturing cells, washing and bathing them and now I'm praying for their health. Then I went to Perry, a lab demonstrator, to ask for reagents. Reason being, instead of ordering and buying them, it's better to get it free kan since the reagents are just too pricey. Just imagine 10mg for $100+!!! Gilaa wahh. Apparently, he doesn't have it in his lab. The other reagent needs license because it's too poisonous. Hmphh. Kusut kusut kusut. To apply for the license, it may take months to get it approved. So I had to cancel the particular reagent from my experiment. So kurang satu! Oh well, that's what my supervisor said. Paksa jua. At least ringan sikit.

Oh well.. Gonna hit the gym soon. I'll post something again later.

The "post-something-again-later":-

I went for the Boxercise class and WOWW.. it was one hell of a workout. Was really tiring since I was paired up with the instructor. Actually I didn't want to but.. anyway, this is how it goes:

Instructor: Who wants to work double tonight? *waiting for someone to help up their hand*
Instructor: Anyone?
Me: *looked away from her direction*
Instructor: *grabbed my shoulders* YOU!!! I know you wanted to, Marha *smiles*
Me: *giggles* (dalam ati: Sialllllll)

Hmphh. Kepisannn.. I didn't have a good workout throughout the week and she picked me. Kapus kapus jua tu ulih nya. It was really really tiring. But I had fun! Boxing kaliahhh. Hehe. It really got me pumping and she slightly changed the coordination of the class. It really got my heart rate pumping. All in all.. it wasn't a bad workout. It was really good, I have to admit, since I've been a slack (gym-wise) this week.

Called up rumah di Brunei cause I just wanna hear from my Mum but she's in Labuan. (For those who don't know, half of my family live there. That includes my Nini Bini, my Mum's mother and my uncle, my Mum's brother. Nope, I'm not Malaysian. Still Bruneian, okay! My Grandparents migrated to Labuan during the World War II) Anyway, it's my Mum's routine now for going to Labuan every now and then eversince my late-Grandfather passed away last March, lawat-ing my Nini. Talked to my uncle and joked around with him a lil bit. Him and his loyar buruk really got me pacah ketawa. Hehe. I miss going to Labuan now. I miss my Nini especially. The last time I was there was in December. Mannnn.. lama udah ehh. Sigh. Oh well..

I'm gonna doze off soon. It's already 12am and it's starting to get really cold. Nitey nite beautiful people~~


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