~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunday? Monday? Po-tay-to, Po-tar-to!!

Hello people...

I'm still suffering from muscles inflammatory (on my shoulders, my back, my biceps, my chest, my butts, my thighs.. pokoknya almost every single muscles) due to overexertion of lactic acid that had been build up from yesterday's BodyPump class. Fitness experts say that it's a signal that the body needs rest! No way, mannnn!! My body's been resting for a month plus now. The muscles deserve to be sore and inflammed! Siapa tah nyuruh slacking! Hmpphh. Oh well, I guess it's back to square one now, huh? I hope getting myself a PT will help me keep in track.

The BodyPump class was fun fun. Though it was a torture but I had a good time. And I had BoxClass the night before and gosh, my partner was *blurrghhh*! She wasn't focus, she laughed a lot (pasal caranya punching, memigang focus pad & sebagainya SALAH!! Atu pun ya kan ketawa??!!), she cheated (as in she didn't do some of the routines, therefore, I was affected as well)!! Hmpphhh!! Membari KUSUT jua tuuuuuuu!!! Aaarrgghhhh!! Throughout the one-hour of supposedly-burning-calories-got-my-heart-rate-pumping-brabis, I ended up being a PT! Sort of. WHY? Because I had to teach her the correct way of punching, holding the focus pad, cara standing, bla bla bla.. Arrghhh.. If I didn't do that, she would have injured herself. Kan kan?!!

*mental mode switched off* ;p

Anyway, I had homemade Pad Thai just now. Me and Mirul had to search high and low for the crushed peanuts. Apparently, it was sold out di Kadai Cina siring Coles ahh. So we went to Market Square. Pun NADA!! I even asked for it, but NADA. So, I just bought the roasted and salted peanuts. Yang insulted nada! Hehe. UNSALTED bahh ;p Baik jua si Mirul nulung meng-crush kan! Menjadi jua Pad Thai atu! Nyum nyummm.. It was soo good 'cos I've got all the ingredients. The best part was of course the crushed peanuts and the corriander. Sia sia pun~~ Esuk saja makan lagi. At least one item is off the craving-list. Huhu.

Oh, did I tell you that I've got my Italian jersey numbered??!! Uhuh!! Be-numbur udahh! I'm sooo loving it! :D But I can't wear it here. Takut kana bukut Aussies pasalnya Aussie lost to the Italian, lagipun goalnya main buyuk jua kan. So I wouldn't wanna take the risk. Plus pkai tudung pun! Brabis tia krg kana bukut. NAUZUBILLAH.

Ok then. I better off now. I need to watch a DVD before I sleep. Tommorrow's Monday. So not looking forward to it. I don't like Sundays and Mondays :s ~I can't wait for the weekend to begin~ Huhu. Nitey nite beautiful people.

wink me


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