~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Laugh & laff ;p

I had a good laugh last night 'cos me and my housemates were talking about Lem Lalat Cap Gajah. Do you have any idea what that is? Haha. The sticky straw that used to capture flies. Hehe. I was just wondering why the cap is "GAJAH". I reckon pasal the straw is as strong as an elephant. Am I making any sense? You judge. Well, that's what I think. Because masa atu my hair got stuck on the straw. Mannn, I was really really mad at myself for being too clumsy. I even had to put oil on my hair for the sticky to go. Hmph. So people, this thing may be catagorised as "the-bagus-barang-nya" but don't let it capture you. Don't even let it capture your baju or DO NOT play with it! Serious warning ni. Bukannya main-main.

I even had a good laugh with Shadi on MSN yesterday. The conversation goes something like this. (Bury in mind that Shadi baru saja kan belajar L. Yes, BAGAK ahh! Sorry Shadi ah. Huhu):

Shadi: Marha, beuri ku pasal kan blajar drive ani. Ko dulu cemana kan? Pernah ko drive kah before ko belajar L ah?
Me: Eh, jgn tah di ingaukan tu. It's in your genes. Laki2 andang sanang kan mendrive. Aku dulu inda pernah pun memigang kerita. Not even menstart injin. Ok pun ku. Ciguku Mr Bernard so ok lah.
Shadi: ahh, mudahan saja ok. Amin Amin
Me: Aku inda brapa pandai parking saja masa dulu atu. Balancing suka ku.
Shadi: cigumu c Bernard ni. Aku di tutong ah.
Me: Inda apa tu. Aku suka Mr Bernard ajar pasalnya time parking ia gtau cemana kan adjust and when to stop pusing.. umm.. apa tu, shadi? yang bulat ah, yang pusing2, yang tani pigang?
Shadi: umm.. steering kah?
Me: ahh ia tah tu!
Shadi: LOL *pacah ketawa*

I was really slow at that time. The 'steering' word didn't seem to kicked in. Haha. You can't really blame me kan. I bet you have had those kinda moments once in a while kan? Where you totally forgotten the simplest word and no matter how much you keep on digging but inda menjadi jua.. until someone actually told you what it is. Hehe. I was really really laughing. And Shadi did too. So now, I hope that everytime he sees the steering wheel, ia pacah ketawa! Biahhhh!! ;p

Nya urang tua, kalau kuat ketawa during the day time, malamnya menangis kan? I guess banar nya urang tua atu. I actually got the balasan for laughing really hard. Hehe. Iatah lain kali jgn tah luan ketawa banar2, kayyyy~~


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