~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Monday, August 28, 2006

On a Monday

It's Monday, guys.. I'm not hating it neither loving it. I was planning to go to uni last night but I was thinking, it's better for me to stay home and do my work. Payah lagi bekelaikan computer di lab atu. Just imagine, 3 urang (or more) kan memakai computer! Plus, so far I don't have any experiments to do just yet. Maybe tomorrow or the day after that or the day after that. So here I am, with uni books in front of me. Umm..I'm blogging 'cos I'm having a break ok? Huhu ;p

Ok, I spent the entire weekends unplanned. Except for the BSS Futsal Tournament which was held in UQ Sports Centre. I was feeling a bit down when the GU team lost during the penalty shoot out against the Centros.. (lurus kah tu? hehe ;p) But oh well.. they made it to the semi-final! Yup, I'm still a GU supporter in the heart. Teehee ;p

In the evening, I was being fickle-minded. I wonder where I got it from.. Huhu ;p I was like "BJ, should I go back or should I slajur arah si Sel, ikut kamu?" There was a BBQ after the futsal at Sel's place. As we walked our way to BJ's place from UQ, I was calculating the time going back and forth from St. Lucia to Sunnybank and back to Auchenflower from Sunnybank. The reason why I wanted to go back was I wanted to change my baju and get myself my jumper. Hmph. But Atoi and Sarah were like "Kami pinjamkan jumper saja" Hmphh.. Lagi tia makin fickle. At the end of the day, I made my final decision= SLAJUR SAJA KE RUMAH SI SEL! Hehe ;p It was a wise decision I guess. Pasalnya I did not have to travel. Inda jua brapa ngalih kan. And I managed to help with the BBQ set up and menyalai-ing. It was a night of fun though everyone was really exhausted. The fun bit was removing the thick coal from the hot plate! Hehe ;p

On the Sunday, I went to Soutbank for fish-n-chip-ing! Plus I had my Boost's King William's Chocolate. The taste was unusually nyaman. Maybe I haven't had it for quite a while. Iatah kali tu pasalnya. And oh I watched Thank You For Smoking. I reckon if I wasn't as tired (alum cukup recovery from the day before bah) I would have enjoyed the movie. Siuk pulang.. very wordy. It's just that it was too much for me to soak in. I have to watch that movie again.

Oh tadi.. as soon as I got out from the bed (9.30am), I checked on Mirul. That's just my routine especially during the weekdays..

Me: *opened his door*
Me: Mirul, inda skulah kah?
Mirul: *matanya masih betutup* inda
Me: Kenapa? Nada class?
Mirul: Nada. Ciguku rugby
Me: Bisai jua ahh. Bah agatah tidur

I was thinking, bisai jua cigunya ni membari anak-anak skulahnya off pasal kan bemain rugby. If only my supervisor cematu. Oh well, he is though. When summer starts, he'll be going to Mt. Gravatt..swimming! *evil grin*

Ok then. Time to do some decent amount of work ;)


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