Hot or ice?

The teas are cheap-ARR than CaraMudah (EasyWay) and look, they even have a proper shop. CaraMudah, bar ganya kan. Okay, I don't wanna compare. I still go to CaraMudah though. I mean do I have a choice..? Peace! ;) The Jasmine Milk Tea and the Taro are tasty jua *slurrrppp* So I don't wanna complain. What I was trying to say is, the teas are better at Hazel Tea Shop macam "the burgers are better at Hungary Jack's". Hehe ;p Sama lah tu..
The shop has this trademark of greeting people. Sort of like going to a sushi place or Japanese restaurant where they go "sumimasen" or some kadais where they go *in thick Aussie accent* "next please" or "may I help youii" or "are you alright?". I think you get the idea by now kan? Iatah the Tea shop has their very own way of greeting which I think is unique and cute. Hehe. They go.. "Goodmorning". Eventhough it's already 2pm or even 7pm!! My friend thought that maybe it's "Welcomin" (Welcome in bah) Hehe. I really don't know 'cos it's not that clear but I strongly thinks that it's "Goodmorning". Iatah I think it's sort of their trademark where people will go "You know that Japanese Tea Shop? The one that serves nice teas? Umm.. the one that greets you morning eventhough we're almost done with the day?" The other party will go "Oh, that one!". You know what I mean? Hehe. So yeahh.. kiut lah pokoknya. I love it.
The waitresses are very-super-exteme-ly friendly! Not to mention their Chinese/Japanese/Korean-lish accent and they'll come to your table minutes away after you get your drink asking if you're alright with it or not. It means they care so much for the customers. Mun kan menukar, mengapakan?! Hehe. No no no. No gud, abusing friendly-ness ani.
What intrigues me as well is they only serve teas and crackers. Atu pun inda ramai yang order crackers. But they manage to survive with just teas. Plus, the last time I went there, they've got their own pacakging udah. Macam Tea Bar in the Brisbane city at Myer centre bah. Ada pacakgingnya kan. Warna pink! Anyway, the first time I went to the Hazel tea shop, my first impression was "eh macam mahal kadai ani" sampai I actually imagined that maybe one tea will cost AUD6! Di Surfers lagi kan plus the menus and the furniture, the surroundings and all didn't really help me but think that it's a fancy shop thus fancy jua price nya. It's just too exquisite. But I was glad plus shocked to see the prices of the Teas. So unexpected. Mahal lagi CaraMudah! Banarrr!
And the customers.. be aware if you're into Japanese-Ghetto-like girls! Yup, they always go there. Lawa-lawa lah. And very stylish. With their shoes and bags and outfits. Hmph. Jeles kuee!
Oh the very best part is when ordering the drink. I address the man who take the orders as my 'Uncle Cina'. He's very serious, wears glasses and a bit plump. But I like him. I think I'm in love with him! Haha. Bukan pasal looks nya. Pasal caranya mengorder. Misti step-by-step. Mun selajur, inda menjadi. His brain doesn't work that way. Or maybe it's just one of their trademarks. For example if I wanna order Taro milk tea ahh...
Me: Hi, can I have Taro milk tea please?
Uncle Cina: Toppings?
Me: Tapioca pearls
Uncle Cina: Hot or ice? (sepatutnya cold juaaa. Hehe)
Me: Ice *tekidum*
Uncle Cina: What size? *pointing on the sizes available*
Me: Regular
Uncle cina: Sugar level? *pointing on the sugar levels available*
Me: Normal
Uncle Cina: Having it here or take away?
Me: Having it here *smiles and menahan ketawa*
Uncle Cina: Inside or outside? (ertinya minum di mana? Luar kah dalam?)
Me: Inside (Though I'm still figuring out the purpose of this question since nada difference pun 'cos I remember ordering and I said 'Outside', sama pun cawannya dan sebagainya. Hehe)
Oh, and every answer that I gave, he wrote it down! As in semuanya. Kiutttttt!! Sia sia pun. I'm drooling now. And this shop taught me that Hot Taro milk tea is the best in the Taro milk tea land in the Taro milk tea planet. Nyamannn.. I remember having it time ujan *sighhh* Triple the nyaman!
For those of you who are intersted in the whereabouts of this Shop and would love to experience the great taste of the teas and of course meeting up Uncle Cina, feel free to ask me about it, k.. I wanna share my best experience with you jua kan 'cos the only thing that we're sharing now is the same sky! Haha. Apakan ;p
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