The disaster
This morning I woke up with a palau feeling. Mammat actually woke me up since we compromised that siapa awal bangun ia tukang bangunkan. Atas alasan: Kami kan ke uni! Mammat ada mid-sem exam Business Law and I had to do my experiment since my cells were growing nicely and they're all very healthy ;) And so, he woke me up. But I was dead masa atu. Hehe. He did bawa me cakap but I couldn't remember a thing that I said. That's how bad it was. Hehe. But I did manage to wake up.. 30 minutes after that! Saturday bah! Cemana tah jua.
So I went to uni and went straight to the lab. Didn't linger around at all since I was eager to start the experiment. Plus I didn't really finish designing it properly-thoroughly in my head so inda bulih lalai. As soon as I got in the lab, I read through my notes and started calculating the amount of reagents needed.. yada yada yada.. But, it didn't work (my task was to dissolve the reagent, k). So, I turned to my labmate and asked if she could help me. She did and we subsituted something to something. Ok ok.. We substituted the ethanol to cholorform. The reagent dissolves better in choloroform. Well, that's what the Sigma website told me. Hmphh. I wasn't really aware of the toxicity of chloroform. I thought it acts almost the same as the ethanol. BUT.. look at what it did to my petri dishes which were confluent with healthy-looking cells:
So that was it! The end of my experiment. Hmphh. I was really frustrated. Baik lagi putus cinta ni daripada cemani. Drastic wahh.. Yang sayang berabis.. the cells. I've been growing them and they're all died! Pasal chloroform lagi tu. Cuai sendiri jua. Kan menangis saja inda. So, I have to start all over again. Have to go early to uni on Monday. Sighhh. Sabar saja. Better luck next time. At least, niat atu baik tadi. I was actually planning to go to uni again tomorrow (to sacrifice my weekend) to check on the cells again. Since I have to record the reaction after 1 hr then 12 hr then 24 hr then 48 hr :s Oh well, mudahan saja on Monday'll turn out better with the supervision from my supervisor.
Anyhow, wanna take a peep on my lab? Here are just pictures of the lab featuring.. ME! My lab is very old therefore it looks very un-stylish abeden got many sophisticated lab gadgets plus I find peace in this place somehow. To shut me off from the world. So I owe this place one. Apakan. Huhu ;p
Me in action!
Getting ready for an experiment (sub-culturing cells). Aii, inda nampak wording nya. Sorry guys. It says "Messy ahh. Bukan my space ni, k. My labmates punya!"

Spraying the fume-hood with ethanol.
That's it people. I'm just too blank right now. Angau + frustrated + sedih + OCD (kan mandi bah) + a bit sleepy + gatal kan read my book (I've been neglecting it. Sorry, book).
Nitey niteee people~~~
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