~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The difference is...?

Woke up half an hour ago feeling all weak. So lamah. Macam urang hangover kali. Hehe. I think I spent too much time with si Jim kemarin. Iatah abis sakit badan atu. Not sore though. Lamah saja. I could still feel it. So instead of waking up straight away from bed, I lingered around, in bed that is. Playing thoughts in my mind. Planning what to do today i.e. pukul brapa ke uni, pukul brapa balik, what's for lunch or am I gonna have one meal one day policy today? See, banyak kan di pikirkan. So can I say that my day has been productive? Huhu ;p Screw you!

My personal trainer was giving me a task. More like a homework for me. I have to do the brace/hover pose EVERY morning and record the time. So what I did was, since I don't own any stopwatch I used the stopwatch in my fone instead. And then ada split timing and lap timing. Seriously, what's the difference kan? Is the lap timing laju-er? So I should use the split timing.. kah? Hmph. I did used the split timing. Biar tia dulu for the time being. I wanted to used my iPod's stopwatch but I need music jua. I didn't switch on my laptop while I was doing that. Ah well, I guess the next time I do it (which is tomorrow. Hmph) I have to borrow Mirul's iPod. What you reckon? I reckon it's a good idea pulang. Huhu.

Okay, I better mandi and have breakfast. The acid in my tummy is killing me. Panas parut, che..


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