~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Less than 2 months to my thesis submission. Been pressing the panic button. But lately tetakan Panic!-at-the-disco button tia pulang. Huhu ;p

I had my first Thai Green Curry chicken for lunch at the Enternet. It was filling and satisfying.

Other than that..

I went to Francoise's Honours (Masters) seminar. I swear, at that point I hate scientists! They say 'hate' is a strong word, right? But I think it's about time to use it. It's just so appropriate. The examiners were being mean to her. They asked her questions that make you go blank. The sort of questions where you know you're in big trouble if you don't answer them properly. And knowing that they are scientist *ptui* they tend to ask the questions in a way that they make it so complicated for you to understand and that makes you say "Umm.. can you please rephrase your question. I'm not really sure what it means. Sorry" You knowww?? Those kind of examiners and their super-genius-but-doens't-make-any-sense questions. Hmpff. Saja bah kan membuli students atu. And some questions are just so irrelavant. Cemana kan tu? I was disturbed to see Francoise struggling with the questions. I could feel her stressing out. I really hope it won't happen to me nanti for my Honours seminar.. Nauzubillah.. Mudahan saja ok nanti. Amin Amin.

I went straight back to the lab after the presentation and I tried doing my experiment when I realised that nothing could be done due to the lack of equipment. So, I asked my supervisor if there is an alternative method. But he wasn't being that helpful. He was like "Research is very tedious. Either you do it or not. But if you choose not too, then that's up to you" APAKAN??!!! Bulih lagi ya cakap cematu?! Mental juaa! Why can't he just say "No. There's no other alternative method" Abis cerita. HMPHHHHH!!! At that point I just couldn't take it but shed a tear. Banar jua tuuu. I was already stressed out 'cos I finally got the result from the experiment but the equipment used to analyse the result isn't available in the lab. Aargghh.. I feel so wretched. Bri banci. I feel like I wanna scream abeden takut kuyuk di sebalah atu inda beranti barking. So, jangan tah scream k. Makan ice-cream saja *lame lame* ;p

I go mandi now. Need to wash all the negativity away.


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