~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Ramp operating when lit

It's hurt to think that everyone's in their mid-sem break where I have to cope up with my labwork and writing up my thesis. Hmph. Padan tah ke uni tdi sunyi brabis. Inda brapa beurang. (Bukan beruang ehh. Huhu ;p) I thought it was the weekend. Rupanya it's only MONDAY!! Puhh-lezzz..

So, it was the first day of Ramadhan. It wasn't that bad. I went to uni this morning and left early since I finished my work and had a slight headache. So before getting myself a migraine, I said to myself, baik tah balik, k. And so I did. I slipped a note under my supervisor's office (since I waited for him for half an hour but he didn't turn up) explaining why I didn't wait any longer for him. Sakit kepala bah. Reasons: empty stomach, dehydrated (a lil bit) and inda cukup tidur, k.

On my way back home, my mind was playing what-to-cook-for-sungkai quiz. Mana inda sakit kepala lagi. I tried to sleep in the bus but it didn't happen. Hmph. Biar tia ok.. But sungkai was all good. Sorang-sorang jua kanyang. Alhamdulillah. One down.. Come to think of it.. No more Ramadhan after 28 or 29 days. Sigh. So people, make full use of it ;) I'm not looking forward to hari raya 'cos I know I'm gonna miss home this year.. very very bad. It's gonna hit me on the right spot. I'm gonna miss a lot of people this year's Raya. Sigh. But hey, inda kamu tau di Big W and Myer ada Eid sale!! Kalau kan bali kasut untuk raya, di Myer saja.. buy one and get the second pair half price! Nahh.. ok jua tu. Hehe ;p YOU WISHH!! Ada tiaaa Eid sale! Sia sia pun saja. Tani ani di negri manaaaa.. Oh well, I miss gerai Ramadhan. I miss having sahur and sungkai with my family. I miss mengambil baju raya. Masa ani mutung baju raya misti awal. Lapas hari raya misti selajur mutung for the next one. With that, less mistakes done from the tailor pasalnya time raya iatah durang panic brabis tu. Macam study week for us bah tu or macam 3 hari lagi kan submit assignment. Sama tah tu. Kesiann.. I reckon tailorsnya di Brunei masa ani start udah minum V or Red Bull. Apakan! Hehe ;p And oh, yang bejual kuih ari raya atu, start udah amahnya inda tidur malam ni. Sampai barang kan di terikah bebakul-bakul. Hehe. What am I on about? Huhu ;p

Anyway, last week I came across this "Ramp operating when lit"... Di mana tu nah? Siapa dapat jawap, bulih minjam my credit untuk memsg 20 kali kemana saja.. (those yang tinggal di Brisbane lah) but yang di Brunei atu, umm.. I'll pay for your minyak krita.. for 50cents! Hehe. Ok jua tu.. Seliter jua tu. Sampai jua ke kadai runcit. What more could you ask for? Anyway, my point is.. figure it out! Hehe ;p

I think I'm off to bed saja k before I start another nonsense.

Beniattt tah. Oh oh.. my late grandfather used to say this "Nawaitu sauma radin, nasi di suap, lauk di pigang". Hehe. May you rest in peace, Ni'. Nahhh, I'm starting to miss him. Nitey nite then~


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