~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Monday, October 09, 2006

gloom gloom gloomy monday ay ay

Happy Monday everyone!

First and foremost I would like to thank Mr Saturday and Mr Sunday for giving me such a good weekend. Nope, I didn't go out. I stayed at home! Siukk ehh stay di rumah ahhh.. Mann.. I've forgotten how it feels like. Nyamann rupanya. Huhu.

I just got back from uni though. It was all good but I had to say my sorrys to my cells that I'd been neglecting over the weekend. I just need the break. That's all.. But hey, good thing I didn't go to uni yesterday. Mr Migraine was paying his visit yesterday. I guess he hasn't been in my head for quite a while. So to actually layan him, I had to rest and sleep from noon till he went home. Inda menjadi plan kan memasak meriah. Oh well.. I guess he misses me afterall. But Mr Migraine, if you're reading this, please come in in the next 200 years, kay ;) I promise you with a much better head. Deal?? Huhu.

Oh oh.. I found out something last night that kept me giggling till I fell asleep. Actually I couldn't really go to sleep last night thinking about it. Hehe. I remember talking with Sel over the fone months back and at that time I was using my handsfree. And Sel went "Kau pakai tangan percuma kah?" Haha. Handsfree = Tangan Percuma! And then I figured, what about head set? (I used the headset hours before that 'cos I had video conversation with my sisters) Head is kepala.. set is..? So I went through my MSN contact list and I know who to turn when it comes to this kinda thing. BJ wasn't there (huhu) so I tagured Nadeya (the closest one from BJ). But she was away. Finally, I turned to Nina. Phewwww.. She was there! So I asked her what's set in malay. She checked on Kamus Bahasa. She got it! She found it! Hahaha.. Apanah headset in malay (caution: direct translation ni ah).. ALAT KEPALA. Haha. Pacah pacah. I know it's lame but I sure did had a good 5 minutes laugh 'cos I imagined the 'Alat Kepala' to be like a gadget-y-ish yang macam dalam Back to the Future movie. Yang the mad scientist pakai ahh. And I imagined people using that for video conversation-ing! Hehe. Barat kepala tu. Sangal juaaa. Hehe.. The alat kepala thing went on in my head until I finally fell asleep. Huhu.

Okay, it's already 4pm. I better get the stuff ready for sungkai. Selamat sungkai or selamat berbuka puasa or Happy breakfast! or Happy open fasting ;p


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