~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My visions of Raya preparations

I've been neglecting the fact that Raya is just around the corner. More like ignoring that it's coming. It's hurt brabis 'cos I won't be able to celebrate it 'properly' for the second time. Hmphh.. So how dis? I need Raya songs mannn.. I don't wanna start listening to them on the day itself. Iatah parah tu. I remember when I had 'those perfect Rayas' few years ago, by this time.. Raya songs inda beranti main tu di radio. As a matter of fact, sebulan bulan puasa atu udah kana mainkan lagu Raya. My mum alum lagi start membuat kuih ni 'cos she would be busy planning (baru tah kan planning) which kueh kan di buat. She would start approximating the number of eggs needed and of course she loves shopping for the ingredients di Muafakat! Mau jua Babu ah. Apa tah salahnya di Siakok. Ampir. But I reckon she likes it there because sometimes she couldn't find some ingredients that she needed. I remember I was accompanying my mum to Muafakat 'cos she told me to drive her there. Mann.. masa atu lagi baru pandai driving (4 years back keh). Imagine saja. I'm talking about the Muafakat di Lambak. Dapan Supa Save ahh (lurus kah?). So yeah, I was really struggling. Yea yea.. woman driver. Screw you! ;p

As for my sister, K-nah.. Umm.. behapa ya ah selalunya time2 ani? Oh she would make those biscuits such as Kueh Mor, Kueh Tart, Biskut Buah Kana (lurus kah?) dan sebaginya lah. And ia tukang buat Kuih Batik!! Nyummm.. Masa ani ia start udah buat Kek Tapak Kuda start dari the last 2 years kali with the supervision of Ka Irlen.

My dad.. this guy kan.. paling rilek sekali time kan Raya. Pasalnya ia suka last minute. Favouritenya! So the only time my dad would do some work is masa malam Raya where he would sacrifice his sleep and my dad would be sweet enough to help my Mum putung daging for next day's first morning meal. Oh, and I think my dad smells at his best during pagi Raya. I can smell him now. You know the olfactory nerves are doing their job *tears* One of my favoourite scents. Awu, minyak atar nya pulang ganya but there's something about it.. I just love smelling the scent. Especially when we do our get together (family) as soon as he got back from the surau where I tend to get teary and emotional unlike my other siblings (sometimes I wish I was that strong). Sighhhh, don't you just love the feeling of pagi Raya.. Too bad I'm missing that again. Nothing can compete to that feeling, mannn *sighhhh*

Anyway, melarat.. as for me.. around this time, I would be vacumming, tukar cover cushion, polishing.. pokoknya my cawangan was 'hiasan dalam'. Apakan! ;p I'm not a big fan of the kitchen work back then. I don't know nanti ahh.. I'm older now and I offically missed four Raya preparations. yeah, FOUR!! AMPAT KALI!! So, I guess that would change? You reckon? Hehe.. We'll see..

Jeeah? Umm.. I can't really recall her doing any work apart from helping bits and pieces of our work. Kira ia ani on call lah. Haha. Seriously, I can't remember.. Imagine saja, back then she was only 12?? Damnn.. Basar udah adiku ani. Muda sudah. Haha.

My brother.. I think more to cucul and tukar bulbs cawangan! Hehe. Oh mann.. this is bad. My visions of Raya preparation are getting so bad. I need to 'polish' them. Ertinya, I really need to spend my next Raya in Brunei. Misti misti misti must musti mustard ;p

Too bad another Raya di Perantauan for me, for most of us. Kepada sahabat handai yang senasib, especially those of you in Australia, I would like to say 'Selamat Hari Exam Aidilfitri' dengan ucapan 'Good Luck'. Bawa beselawat kan menjawap exam atu keh! The lousiest Eid greetings ever! Bulih lagi exam! Or or bulih lagi time thesis due!


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