~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Ehh.. Too deep Heroes atu ehh! Damn sonnn!! I can't wait for episode 18 'cos right now I feel like I'm hanging. As if like I-went-on-a-date-but-my-date-stood-me-up kinda feeling. I'm haunted with all those questions like: what's gonna happen? mati ya? huh, bapanya punya brother tukar sex jadi girl? power nya ilang (bilaaa jua)? McDreamy ada wife?!!! Apakan!!! That's sooo last season punya season punya season. And I was talking about Heroes kaliahh. HELLO!!

*singing* ~Hello.. is it me you're looking for?~~ Na na naaa na na na naaa~~ (kes inda apal lyrics)

Ok, Marha.
I think you've gone cuckoo, Marha.
You're not thinking straight, Marha.
It's time for bed, Marha.

Eh, alum lagi kan tidur bah ni. I am sleepy abeden I wanna blog bah. But actually, I don't have anything to blog about. I feel blank. I think pasal side effect Heroes. Napa misti cematu kan? Why? Whyy? WHYY?? It's just that it's too deep.

Ok, on the other note, Harry Potter's new movie is gonna come out soon. Is it in May? But the thing is, how come I haven't seen any of its trailer showing in cinemas? Maybe ada but I wasn't conscious..? Inda jua patut. Or or or it's because I was always late? Always kan? Hmphh.. Kana banned kali trailer nya but movie nya INDA!! Hahaha. How is that possible? Cuba kamu pikir kan? Hehe. I think I'm high. I think I'm on morphine. Or I need morphine ;p

(Warning: Random) I LOVE DOODLEZ!! It's my new obsession. And effect apa pulang ni nah? Pasal meliat Nickelodeon. Anak-anak meliat Nickelodeon, so ikut saja. No, I don't have kids. I have Anak Buahs.

For the girls: Siapa pernah keriting rambut dapan (fringe) masa damit (as in fringe saja tapi rambut belakang straight!!), angkat tangan?!! HAHAHA. I know a few who'd done this. Hahaha. It was the fad back in the old old old old days. Kira si-ta-il (style) bah. If you're not familiar with this, where were you?! Huhuhu. I think it was around the 80's. Classic dang! Sure did I had a good laugh on this with my sisters. Pacah~ Pacah~~ So ertinya, I have to go to bed soon. Pasal nya urang tua-tua, inda baik luan banyak ketawa ani.. menangis karang. So, before shit happens.. Good night people. Selamat malam manusia.

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