Grammy's and Movies!
Hi Hi Hi!! No, that wasn't a laugh. It was more like saying 'Hi' 3 times! Huhu ;p How's your weekend? Mine.. Umm, it was more on makan, movie, makan, movie. Hehe. What a relax life, huh? Inda lagi batah mental ni lagiiiiii~ How's my job hunting? *flutter eyelashes* Relaxxx bahh~ What's the rush? ;p
Let's not waste anytime, shall we? Let's talk business. Haha. Have a heart! ;p Anyway, I was watching Apocalypto and WOWW, applause to Mel Gibson. That man never fails to un-dissapoint me. So, Mel if you're reading this, will you marry me? Hehe. Bilaaaa juaaa masanya membaca blog. I was saying, Apocalypto is the SH!T. Love the plot and the message. It's about family family ish kinda movie. So Genre: Family. Apakan. It was about the history of the Maya Civilization. Eh, pokoknya liat saja keh, walaupun gory. At least I can stand this compared to Texas Chainsaw. Atuuu, matiwahhh! And oh, I can't help but noticed Jaguar Paw. Makin lama di liat, makin manis. Macam one of those footballers. Sighh. I think I've fallen in love again. Except that it's deeper this time. Huhu ;p

Other than that, me and the rest of the females in the family (excluding the Amah ;p) went to watch Qabil Khushry Qabil Igam (corny and lame ahh). But trust me, the storyline wasn't as lame as the title. At first I thought KUMIDI (comedy), hmph sudah sampai half way through, keluarkan tissue ah, rucih make-up karang. Jeeah told me urang siringnya meruhung. Hehe. Very Hindustan-ish. So, Genre: Bollywood wannabe. Very very brotherly-love pun. So seeing Hans Isaac cried, makes me cry. Kesiannn~~ Too too deep!!! And oh, rupanya Yusry KRU was supposed to be in it abeden kan belakun arah Cicakman ya. Baik jua ia inda dlm Qabil muvi ani bah. Mun inda, spoilllll tiaaa. Baik jua ada anakanda si Jauyah (Rusdi) yang belakun. At least pro jua usulnya ;)

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