Eh, it's Monday rupanya. I thought that it was Sunday! Hah! I wishhh! Woke up this morning with Jeeah knocking hard on my door.
Jeeah: Ka..
Me (half dead): Huhh?
Jeeah: Bah! (meaning: antar kan ke skulah.. NOW!)
Me: HUH?!! (At this point, I finally woke up and got out of bed)
*open door*
Me: Kaka pikir Sunday!!!
Plisssss!! What's been going with me on lately? I'm getting more lembap each day as in 10 times more lembap-er, I've been so so so damn lame and yang paling bonus.. makin TULI!! Uhuh! My hearing is getting really bad. Maybe because of the lembapness so macam COMBO PLATTER tia. You know what I'm saying? Jeeah said 'seluar'.. I thought she said 'suara'. Cemana kan tu?? Whooppsss.. OS!!! (Over Share) ;p
I trust you had a good weekend, right? My weekend.. hmm.. I guess it wasn't that good. With that weird dream that I had and my parents being away. Hmph, again a COMBO PLATTER. Sot-ba-ro saja. But I have to say the best that ever happened during the weekend was this:

Nyummmmm.. Fleur De Lys' Chocolate Mousse! I've been craving for it since last year.. i.e. since I was in Brisbane. So, it was worth it.
K-nah had one too. As well as Jeeah. Sigh.. It was purr-feectttt!
I went to Mall yesterday pun and it was a bad move. Ramaiiii urangggggg~ But I managed to add 2 things on my wishlist ;) Ertinya, it was all good.. *AT LEAST*
Did you know that..
(1) If your head is full, you're actually thinking.. and
(2) 007 means License to Kill..?
If you think that points (1) and (2) don't make sense, don't blame me. I've been re-watching Greys' from the first season. Nope, you don't have the rights to yell at me and tell me that I should make full use of my life! Tell me, what else can I do?? Huh?? Tell me.. Any sugesstions? (Oh no.. I think I've gone mental ;p)
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