Mewwy Chwistmas!!
Ho ho ho.. Merry Christmas!! Tis the season to be jolly, tralalalalalalalalalalala~~ Banyak tia lalala nya.. I'm back on my feet people. No more bed, no more injik sana, injik sini, no more ubat, no more PAIN!! Alhamdulillah. I reckon I was sick 'cos I miss Brisbane :( Bah Mat, baik tah kau ngantar makanan dari Brisbane keh ;p I didn't mean to sound ambung but yeahh.. Food poisioning bah. Cana tah jua? ;p So, you think Mammat would do such thing kah? Hmph. Go figure! Huhu ;p
Again, Merry Christmas to all of you. I celebrated mine with my fellow Nandocas back in Brisbane the night before I left. It was all good. I got myself a Christmas present!! Yayy!! And and and hayam Nandos for free!! Nyaman ehh. Sia sia pun. Siapa yang masih di Brisbane atu, please makankan ku hayam nandos in Rib sauce ah. Ehh, sia sia punn..
Anyhow, these are the faces of the Nandocas (the girls). Michael N had gone cuckoo. Too much drinking I guess. Huhu ;p

Aahh.. Sighhh.. I miss working at Nandos. I feel so useless. The past 4 days, I feel like a sloth. I think it's because I was sick atu kali. Oh well, now I feel better I shall make full use of my life.. Tapinya kan, kan behapa jua.. job hunting pun.. sighh. I don't knoiiii. But truthfully, I am occupied with my family. Not to mention my nephew and my nieces. Inda jua sunyi banar. With that, I shall blog again nanti nanti k. I'm leaving you with Christmas-related pictures taken from my so-called holiday in Brisbane. Huhu ;p Enjoi or enjoyyy ;)
The Christmas tree in Garden City (for short Garsit). Is very bigging!!
Me and Jeeah was trying to capture ourselves abeden the camera inda brapa changgih. But I'm pretty sure you can spot us!
This is the first humongous Christmas tree I've ever seen in Brisbane city. Basarrr punnn!!
Surfers' Christmas tree with shells and stars and tupai ;p Apakann. Nada tupai k. I just feel like saying tupai. Tupai tupai tupai. Huhu ;p
Christmas fairies and us and our 2 new Aussie brothers. Hehe ;p
Jeeah and the Reindeers
Ladies and gentlemen.. The casino!!
Fellow housemates celebrating Christmas. Eh salah, posing for Christmas photos i.e. the Japanese style! Huhu ;p

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