~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Aussie idol is on TV now. The question is; who's gonna be the next Australian idol. Jess or Damien?? I just found out that Damien is a father and Jess.. is young. Apakan?!! But I think I'm going for Jessica. Kan memvote udah abeden abis masa tia. Huhuhu.. I didn't follow this show religiously, that's why I've only decided to go for Jess. But seriously, I've liked her eversince the top 12 were introduced. So cana ni? Hehe ;p

I had work earlier and damnn it was hottt and I almost died when I got back. Mengalihhh ehh. The temperature in the kitchen was actually 40 degrees! Everyone was practically sweating. As for me.. bila juaaa indaaaa. Huhu.. I sweat like a pig. Eh, kenapa kan kana panggil 'sweat like a pig'? Pigs sweat a lot kah? What about cows? Sama jua tabal bulu durang tu..? Do cows sweat as much as pigs? Hmmm.. that really got me thinking. And oh tadi there's this woman with a kid apporoached me when I was about to clear a table (ok, masih lagi cerita pasal keraja ni k) she told me that her boy accidentally wee-weed!! And she told me to clean it up. She did apologised but ishhh, bulih lagi tekamih di kadai MAKAN!!! Hmphhh. Everyone was pissed. Good thing I didn't have to clean it up. Huhu. One of the boys did!! Huhuhu. I like!! Brigali kali ahhh!! Kalau kana naikkan gaki $50 per hour selajur mana saja. Wohhoooo.. Kaya tu ehhh!! Aminn. Apakann.. All in all it was really tiring and I ended up taking a nap (which I don't really do) from 5pm-7.20pm. Trok ehh!! I never like taking naps. Membari bad mood bah and cranky. And I always wake up with a bad headache, sometimes.. migraine!! Oh well.. I thought it was already late, I was glad it was only 7.20pm. Mun ahir lagi, menangis tu ehh!!

I wanna eat chocolate!! Sia sia punn.. Oh oh oh.. I would like to congrats my sister, Jeeah for baking tiramisu!! Jarang kaliahh ya ke dapur. So Jee, if you're reading this, nanti buatkan Kaka ahh. Thanks. And ohh!! In 2 weeks time same time, I'll be going to the airport to pick you guys up!! Yayyy!! I haven't seen you for a while!! Damnn.. I can't wait. And Jee, my packing isn't doing really good. I'm so paning. Hmphh.

Okayy, I wanna watch Aussie idol.. And oh, did I tell you that I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning last night? Yeah, I went to watch that stupid movie!! Palui!! Eversince, I've been getting visions from that movie. I say, jangan tah kamu meliat kaehh! Brijap and gory and mean and jahat and kesian and it's sooo disturbing AND it's based on true storyy.. Ya Tuhann!! I guess jangan tah liat keh! Promise?


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