I would like to present you..
Okay okay, I kinda promise you that I'm gonna post up something job-related yesterday but hmphh, malas wahhh.. I was just plain tired and lazy last night. I even fell asleep while watching Just Friends' DVD. Ngalih banar tah udah tu.
I had a good time at work but very tiring. 5 hours of standing, no resting at all. When I told this to my mum, it's just so typical of urang tua-tua to say "Iatah rasanya mencari duit tu. Rasakan tia". They make it sound as if siksa banar keraja ani. I mean I had fun. Siuk kaliahh.. Anyway..
Let me present you.. a (once) Nandos addict..

And now.. a Nandocas!!! Yup, I'm now working at Nandos! Di mana? Definitely bukan di city. Huhu ;p Inda kamu kejumpahan aku di sana tu. Hehe.. Anypants, macam a dream come true rasanya. Apakan?! I'm talking about the shirts and the aprons and all..

No, I don't get free chicken all the time. Free chips saja, atu pun kalau ada labih.
And yes, I'm quite happy with the shirts and the apron thinking that nanti I would keep it as a momento. BUT, the uniforms are still their property. I have to give them back when I quit. Hmph. Punah harapan kan menyimpan bajunya ni. I really hope that I get to keep it. Anyway, I like working at Nandos. My first day I was the co-ordinator i.e. serving food, packing takeaways, etc etc. Basically being the cashier's assistant. The second day, I spent most of my time in the kitchen, being a 'prep'. The 'job shifter' told me that it's the hardest of all. Hmph. Jadinya napa ya bagi arah newbies? Kan kan kan? It wasn't that hard after a while. But at first I was really really really slow. Ani minus the lembapness udah ni. I wasn't being lembap. Banar! Promise! Reading the 'menu board' was really confusing. But after a while I got used to it. Alhamdulillah. My job was to get the burgers, pitas, wraps, thighs, ribs and wings ready. So my kraja was heating up the buns, pitas and wraps and also the chickens, memalit mayonnaise, simpan salad, etc etc etc and and and.. tukang simpan the small Nando's flag!! Hehe.. I think that was the fun part of all. "Kan bemain bah banarnya, bukan nya banar", I could hear my mum said that. Hehe..
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