~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Exams or assignments or presentations?

Hello folks!

I bet most of you are just revising, preparing your ass off for your exams right? I know how that feels, as a matter of fact I miss exams. I know I know.. Most of you would be like "Pleaseee. Bulih lagi rindu exams?". Awu awu.. banarrr!! I miss studying, having the big-fat-textbook infront of me and doing pass papers are just one of my wishes. Hmphh.. I miss my bachelor yearss.. Seriously this honours has totally got me thinking of doing any research program. Payah bah. Anyway.. I had been thinking about the difference between exams, assignments and presentations (seminars).. Which one do you prefer?

1. Exams. The classic way. I think exams was established in the year of Elephant. Huhuhu. Tahun Gajah bah. The first war yang meneguhkan agama Islam. Ingat kamu kah tu? Hehe. So yeah, I think exams are the most sufficient way to get through a course mun inda, inda kana practise sampai ani kan kan kan? You agree with me. Also, the purpose of an exam is to test ones knowledge. Esehh!! Macam si banarr.. Huhu ;p

2. Assignments. I reckon this one.. Established in the 1700 or 1800. Please note that this is just my prediction, just a guessing. So I don't know ahh. It's just a rough idea. A figure that came in this little-sleepy mind. Huhu ;p But but but.. dulu kann.. people do their assignments pkai typewriter yang kalau salah paksa becarik paper atu sama membagi sakit tangan jua. Let me rephrase, yang membagi sakit jari. Anyway, as the years became sophisticated.. came the electronic typewriter that typewriter that can do magic! It can erase the previous letters. Eh, bukan erase, the right word for it could be vanish!! Eh, lain jua bunyinya ahh. Hehe. Umm.. maybe dissolve.. or make invisible. Oh noo.. melaratt.. Hehe. You get what I'm saying kan? Anyway, now people start using Word by Microsoft. Esuk esuk ada 'Word by Minihard' ;p Antah karang inda tau cemana kan operate that program since I still find Word complicated 'cos I'm an IT illiterate. Inda pulang payah banar. But I always have difficulty in formatting. Thus, doing assignments requires skills. Some people may not have this e.g. Me! Peace!

3. Presentation. Totally a different type of assessment. Totally a different kind of feeling and requires a lot of skills. From speech preparations, ability to tackle any form of questions, ability to interact with audience, creativity in preparing powerpoint slides (not to forget animations. Hmph), summarising (the idea of an 80-page-thesis being put down to 20mins talk presentation is just plain sucidally mati-akal-ation).. The list just goes on with this one. Some people love preparing powerpoint slides, for me.. it's not my favourite. The actual presentation has 3 phases, I guess.. Pre-during-post-presentation. Nervous, anxious and all sorts of funny feelings lah. Ada yang butterflies-feeling all over. Baik jua butterflies bah. Mun bettle (kumbang) or spider (laba-laba) kapisan jua tu. And some of us has stage fright. Ani yang paling kesian lahh.

As a conclusion, I prefer EXAMS!!! I think it's the most simple of all 3. It doesn't require any skills.. maybe the skill of memorising saja. But each and every one of us has got our own way of memorising. Some people would substitute their posters with cardboards or 'manilakad' (lama udah inda mendgr ni. manilakad, manilakad, manilakad), some people would simply memorise by making 'songs' out of it (you get what I mean kan?). I have to admit that I've done this before with my oral exams pulang tu. Masa dulu skulah ugama mengapal doa Qunut. Hehe. Paksa di buat lagu supaya apal. Menjadi jua bah. Sampai ani apal jua. So mujarab lah. Eh, hang on, I thought I was talking about exams. Hehe. Sorry, melarat. Anyway, I really prefer exams. I might say this pasal 'rebound' cos too much writing selama ani. But seriously kan, dulu when I had both exams and assignments for my assessments, I preferred exams still back then. The simplest but the hardest but won't require any computer skills. I'm happy to settle down with that. Hehe.

Okay.. I'm off to bed. Since, it's the exam period, I wish you all the luck in the world! InsyaAllah, we all will get through this smoothly. Amin Amin..


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