~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Gone kuukuu..

No, I'm not the one who's gone 'kuukuu'. It's the clock in this lab (yup, I'm in the lab now). Eh salah, all clocks in this building had gone kuukuu. Yesterday and the day before that was set half an hour in advance! Mengapa?! Walaupun thesis submission inda lagi batah. That's not the way to rush us students up.

Note: This building is a science building. So I guess it's true. Scientists do crazy stuff.

Anyway, I might be 'jahat' to assume that it's actually the the course convenor or or the lecturers (or maybe my supervisor..?) who did all this time resetting but banar.. It's driving me mad. I thought I was late for uni and yesterday as I was running my gel, I thought I passed through the time, rupanya baru 5 minit. Ok, kalau kamu inda paham.. Lain kali saja mengexplain keh.

And oh, I'm sorry I haven't been blogging. I've been busy with my project and my thesis. It's due on Tuesday and I hope I'll be back blogging the week after. Huhu. I need that 1 week rest bahh.. Huhu. Kidding!!! I might put up some pictures on Raya eve or 'Malam Pukul' and others and others. Butt let just see if that's gonna happen. Huhu.

One more thing, kamu tau apa 'Malam Pukul' ani kah? A friend mentioned it to me and I started using that. It's actually meant for 'Raya Eve'. I thought we're saying it this way 'Malam pukul raya' of 'Raya malam pukul' or Ren said it 'Raya malam pukul Raya'. Dua kali pliss 'Raya' nya.. hehe.. Majal tu nyuruh urang beraya. And then I did asked my mum. She said it's just plain 'Malam Pukul'. Reason being: *in my mum's tone* "Lagindaulu kan, urang di kampung2 berabis ba tu Lai memukul ah masa malam raya. Macam baduk. Sama tah tu ya". And then I said "Bo, urang sungaki baduk jua". And then my Mom said "Tapinya kalau Raya, berabis Lai. Inda beranti".. Mannn, sangal tangan tu ehh.. So yeah, there you go.. You learn another word? phrase? Whatever you call it.. Bah enough rambling. I see you neck week ;)

Have a good weekend! And selamat hari raya! ;)


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