~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The random me

I just watched a debate on TV on channel 9. It was about "Muslims in Australia". Hangat jua topic nya tu. It got my Sunday going. Apakann?

Anyway, there's this Muslim man who was pointing his view on women wearing Hijjab and he emphasised that Hijjab is "to symbolise the fact that the woman is out from her proper place " and he added, "The idea of wearing a Hijjab is to preserve her beauty from her husband". The moment he said this, a Muslim lady immediately respond, "The reason why I'm wearing Hijjab is that I am fullfilling my duty to Allah". Owwuucchhhh!! Padas dangg. She didn't look very happy though. Offended kali ya.

I was triggered when there was this other Muslim man said that women are more equal in Islam. I couldn't really hear his points because the moment he said that most of the women went beserk. Ada yang marah-marah, trying to emphasised that, that wasn't a true fact. Kacau ehh. Iatah bini-bini ani inda pandai menunggu explaination dari laki-laki bah. Well, most women do that. Iatah relationship membagi ancur tu. Eh, melarat ehh. Ok ok.. bukannya pasal relationship ni, Marha. Back to the actual thing. Hehe..

Though, an Australian man, I can't remember apa position nya. Hmph. Sorry ahh, my memory ani inda brapa kuat bah. Peace. Misti tah di suruh angkat barat supaya kuat ni. Huhu. Lameee!! Huhu.. He was saying that Muslims are puritanical (puritan n. person who is strict in morals and regards certain pleasures as sinful. puritanical adj.). He said that that is why most Australians do not look up to the Muslims. He left it on that and will be again aired next week. I hope to catch it again. Interesting bah. Next time, I'll make a report k. Hehe. Kalau rajin, that is.

I feel like talking about OC4. Ok, I did manage watching the first episode on TV and I'm still not satisfied that Marissa is dead. Confirm kali ya mati pasal:

1. Her name wasn't in the credits.. umm.. credits kan namanya yang awal-awal atu? Do you call that credits? Or is it just a list of all the main casts? Or maybe you can call it distinctions? Hehe. Banar jua tu. Credits yang ahir so distinctions yang awal-awal atu. Sama lah tu. Potaytoes, potartoes. Huhu.
2. I remember Julie Cooper and Seth Cowen were talking about her 'funeral'.
3. There was her tombstone

But macam ada twist jua. Mana tau:

1. They were trying to hide Marissa from Ryan. So they just tell Ryan that she's dead. They refers to 'Julie Cooper' pasalnya ia jahat!
2. The idea of having the tombstone.. saja.. Julie Cooper wanna make the point more kukuh.. more strong bah. Awu, sanggup ia membina nisan. I mean c'mon, she can afford all the designer bags, bajus and car but can't afford a tombstone?? Make sense kan..
3. There wasn't any funeral shown in that episode. (I should put this as point number 1. Oh well, malas kan copy and paste bah. I prefer, typing)

Ok beautiful people, I hope I didn't spoil anything.


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