Chirstmas Fever!!
Okay, sorry for the lack of post. I've been so busy with Nandos and I haven't been thinking straight lately. I haven't even been reading my daily sites pun. Hmph. Lots of things to catch up with but I've got one crossed out already and that's catching up with Brisbane's city. Lama udah inda 'running errands' di city. Huhu.. Anyhow..
What's in my random thoughts now:
1. I'm coming home soon (Yayy!!), meaning I'm gonna leave Brisvegas soon *MSN's dissapoint smile* I don't wanna leave but I have to 'cos I miss Brunei abeden kan, I'll always be in Brunei anyway so why not stay in Brisbane a bit longer? I can't pasalnya my visa ujung December expired. I don't wanna be 'makhluk asing'.. Oh well.. I guess I have to leave Brisbane.. for good.. for sure. Hmphh.. I have to start packing. My Mum keeps on reminding me about this. Asal on the fone, nyuruh packing tia. Membari menangis kaliahh. It's like packing my life (macam tah my life masa di Brunei atu, inda bekira ;p). Well, it has been a good (almost) 4 years for me. My years here in Brisbane had make stronger, wiser, crazier and lembaper. Thanks to all my Brisbane family, the old ones as well as the new ones. Eh, udah! I wanna cry.
2. I realised that there are some (material) stuffs that you adore, you can afford and you want BUT you can have it. Annoying kan?? I realised this after got 'acquainted' with Moshi Moshi Misfits. Is hurt brabisssss!! Hmphh.
3. I love Borat movie! Very funny. I thought I wouldn't like it pasal the jokes banyak capi-capi but I like it. I like him 'cos he's lembap. I can use some of it as tips to improve mine. Huhu ;p
4. I need to pack!! I don' know where to start.
5. Nights ago, I dreamt about snakes. Banyak brabis. Mammat told me that they're all iblis. Subahanallah. And I told my Mum about it last night, she said "Iblis tu. Bawa membaca-baca". I've been having difficulty in sleeping. I've been thinking about my results and a lot of stuffs sampai migraine. Oh well, that's life. Shit happens like Shitsoil *cough: sorry Shadi*
6. And oh, it's Christmas time y'all!!! *Jimbogeljimbogeljimbogelbogel* That's just my Christmas' song in courtesy of Fetty and Inchek Padil. Anyway, there's a big big big Christmas tree at Brisbane's Square. So far, the biggest I've seen ever. This is my first time staying for summer so I guess I'll be experiencing lots of Christmas thingamajik. Even Starbucks is all decorated with Christmas magics.

So I've decided..
My favourite colour(s) - Red and green
My favourite animal(s) - Reindeer and elves (elves ani animals kah??)
My favourite plant - Christmas tree. Pasalnya this is the only tree that grows ornaments and fairly lights and also stars. The other trees don't grow this ;p
My favourite person - Tim Allen
And oh, tag replies:
Jeeah: Yeah, that is soo Babu's line
fidah168: Yes Fidah, very siuk but very ngalih. I learn new things everyday. I think I'm gonna open a Franchise di Brunei.. .. .. NOT!! (I wish!)
3 stripes: You're missing a lot in life if you never had Nandos ;p
yus: You can enjoy your Nandos nanti when you get back. But I won't be here, Yus :( I'm gonna miss all of you *sighh* I'll see you soon in Brunei
Toodles ;)
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