Another beginning
OK, let me just get everything straight. I'm actually rushing 'cos I'm chasing the time. Huhu. Nadawah, the actually reason why I'm rushing is because I wanna catch something on TV. That something is a movie. That movie is 'The Sweetest Thing'. Why? I like that movie. Why do I like it? It's funny and sweet..? Anyhow, I wanna put things in point, alright?
1. I love BLOOD DIAMOND. Go watch it yourself! And I think I'm in love. I'm in love with Leonardo DiCaprio. Cana ni? I'm facing the biggest problem in the World-of-the-biggest-problem-of-all. It's just sooo wrong for me to love him. Why? I'm in love with someone else udah. Thus, that'll make me curang. Curang to Ryan Atwood. Huhu ;p
2. Selamat menyambut tahun baru Hijrah. Let us all make full use of this year, alright? ;) Semoga mendapat lots and lots of blessings from Allah SWT. InsyaAllah. Amin. Dan mendapat keredaanNya. What else ah? Another year, another beginning, another hope :)
3. Happy weekend! It's Fridayyy people! Though I'm here in Brunei, it won't have that much effect as the one that I get in Brisbane. But, IT'S FRIDAYYYYY!!! It's gonna be a long weekend, guys! Happy holiday to the Kids and those who are working especially :)
4. Enjoy the pictures (first part). Got that from a forward email. It's about "If women conquer the world". Huhu. Thought I would share it with you. And guys, don't get offended. There are some guys that are very very very organised pun. So, plis jangan tah terasa, alright?

Stay tune for the second part. Nitesss~~
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