The sweetest thing
Isn't this the sweetest?
It's not that I wanna die like this but isn't this what you call 'sehidup semati'? Huhu. Anyhoots, just click here for further readings.
Oh, I apologise for the lack of posts. The past few days I've been occupied doing nothing. Sometimes at the end of each day, I wonder the things that I did and questioned myself. Have I done anything productive? And I came up with 'yes' as an answer. Why? Umm, I watched 2 DVDs today, I ate good food, read blogs, watch TV, read books, la la la.. Productive jua tu kan. It's not that I've been doing nothing. I've gained knowledge from watching TV. MTV kah? Hell Nooo!! I only watch it if there isn't anything interesting to watch on TV. Masa ani meliat Aruna kali ahh ;p Did I scare you? Hahaha! Sibukkuueee kan meliattt Aruna.
Next I would like to congratulate my two ex-housemates. Alhamdulillah, baik jua belurih tampat tinggal. At least I don't have to worry di mana kamu kan betaduh daripada hujan dan panas. Goodbye, Rumah Sunnybank! Goodbye forever. Thanks for being our 2006 host. It was great and fun fun fun. Sighh. Banyak memories pun.
Anyhow, I'm done with Brisbane (udah atu!). I finally realised that, I don't belong there anymore *sniffs* Study-wise that is. I don't wanna hassle myself with all the preparations of going there i.e. bali Indomie bekutak-kutak, segala perancah (perancah nasi goreng, sayur, ayam masak merah, daging rendang etc), stationaries (sebabnya stationaries di sana mahal and style lama! Officeworks nya pun inda siuk. Alum ngalahkan Bismi and si Hua Ho tu). What else ah.. oh, toileteries misti bali di sini pun. Inda pulang semua tu, but now I'm kinda in need of some toileteries from Priceline. Cemana ni? And and and preparation for VISA, fees, accommodation and all. Hmphh.. I don't wanna get through that again. Not anytime soon.
Well I do wanna go back to Brisbane on a holiday. Siukkkk tu ehhhh~ Nanti saja. When I grow abit older ;) And I do wanna go to Brisbane for studying.. PROVIDED: I don't have to do all the preparations myself. Ertinya I have to hire someone (eseh, mcm bnyk usin saja) who will help me in buying those stuffs and of course packing them. I HATE PACKING!! And, kalau sampai di Brisbane airport, all I have to do is just sit while that-person-that-I'm hiring go through customs for my stuffs to be declared. And then I don't have to fight over maxi cabs with other students. Hehe. Trust me, this happened! There must be a transport waiting for me. Not me waiting for it! Sampai rumah, I want my bed to be made 15 mins before I get there. Huhu. While I'm in the shower, getting ready to bed, I want the main stuffs to be unpacked! I HATE UNPACKING ALSO!! By the next morning, I want ALL my stuffs unpacked. Thank you very much! Kalau kan breakfast, ke McDonald saja. After 3 days, I will be set to go through everything alone. In the other words, I don't need that person-that-I'm-hiring. Agatah balik Brunei. Bali ticket sendiri. Huhuhu ;p Oh, why do I need 3 days? Ok, the first day, I need that-person-that-I'm-hiring to get me my groceries. Both from Coles and from the Halal Butcher. Second and third day for company saja, untuk ke city jalan-jalan. Hehe. By now, you may think that I'm spoilt kan? Hehe, think whatever you wanna think. I just don't wanna get through that hassle again bah. Iatah I'm just imagining. Like it's gonna happen anyway. I WISH!! The night that you arrived in Brisbane could be the worst night ever. Nah ahh: (1) go through customs (2) cranky lagi pasal inda cukup rest dalam plane (3) wait for cab (4) angkat bag sana kemari (5) sampai rumah with the bed undone 'cos you just don't wanna leave your bedsheets behabuk bila balik kan?? (6) unpack... Hmph.. Sudah tah ehh. I'm still bitter that last year when I arrived at Sel's place (I was homeless by then) my hand luggage fell on my big toe and I lost the nail!! Sakitttt!! It was at 4am in the morning. Sighh. Sabar saja. Baik jua it grew back.
Ok, enough of that. I'm gonna get myself some tiramisu. Laparrr kueee~ With that I leave you with a picture of my two beloved ex-housemates! In this picture, durang kan cuci jamban, hence the gloves! Hehe. I miss the both of you. Have fun with the new house. Hope it'll give you lots of memories like what Rumah Sunnybank did to us *hugs*

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