For those graduates, I'm sure you're familiar with the acronym
SPA. Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam, right.. Nope, it's not Siapa Punya Anak? Huhu. And there's more than that. I'm sure you're familiar with
Borang SPA1. This is the borang that will ruin graduates life. I thought I get to fill it ONCE. I was wrong. I have to fill up another one. Baik jua yang the first one atu, befotocopy [this maybe a andy top ;)]. Tau salin saja. But it's still a pain the ass. Sangal tangan. Lama udah inda migang pen pun. Masa ani main mengatik-ngatik keyboard kaliahh..
So, these are the things that you need to attach to the banyak-tanya-membari-sangal-tangan-ngisi-borang-SPA1:
(ani kes sasak ni ah)
1. Salinan IC
2. Salinan Passport
3. Salinan Lesen Memandu Kelas Satu sahaja ;p
4. Salinan rekod sekolah dari darjah 1-5 dan menangah 1,2 dan 4 (semua ani misti di bind. covernya misti warna BIRU)
5. Oh lupaa.. salinan record masa nursery pun misti jua di sertai ni ah
6. Class photos as in all class photos (size 5R) and circle yourself with a RED pen. In case urang di HR inda tecari
7. Gambar piala manang numbur satu Pertandingan Bintang Kecil. Kalau ani nada, piala lain pun ok. Asal namanya pertandingan.
8. Oh lupa again (patutnya atas-atas ni) salinan surat beranak
9. A print of your Friendster's profile along with the testimonials and also the comments and also list of friends pun
10. Your blog's url. Kalau ani nada, misti membuat! kah kah..
11. List of songs in your iPod
12. List of DVDs that you owned
13. Car(s) you are driving
14. List of books that you've read in your entire life including Peter and Jane
15. Travelling records, that includes those Miri trips, membali KFC (pasalnya murah lagi sana)
16. Copies of your receipts (groceries, shoppings, kadai kalings even risit nasi katok)
17. List of lucky draws that you've won including the dates. Kalau alum, consider yourself unlucky!!
18. List of weddings that you've attended
19. Records of visting the Istana during Hari Raya
20. Ok atu saja dulu. Jangan tah banyak-banyak. Every year betambah 10. Ertinya lakas-lakas tah abiskan belajar atu
Ok, enough ranting about that. I feel better now.
Now, let me present you those people who (I think) looks like Baby Bop. Barney's friend, Baby Bop bah. Yang manster basar warna ijau ah.. Kira ani the top four Baby Bop-look-alikes.

First: Hannah (top left)
Second: Marsha Londoh (top right)
Third: Anne Hathaway (bottom left)
Fourth: Paula Abdul (bottom right)
Selamat malam, Brisbane kuuuu~ Hingga kita bertemua lagi..
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