It's a Sunday
This is the girl everyone's been talking about, Esmee!! Untung untung.. dapat hug sama Justin! Lain tia pulang. Hehe. So cana ni? Baik tah membuat video klip sendiri, menyanyi, lapas atu masukkan dalam youtube. Manatau si JT liat?! Dapat BONUS jua.. the hug! And and and Kelly Rowland loves her! Mana tau you get Beyonce to love you? So how dis? Membuat video klip tani? ;p
She does have this solid voice (though it's common) but lawaaaa. After listening to her version of 'what goes around', I actually went to google and search for the lyrics. Kan belagu bah. Hehe. Payah saja mun inda apal lyrics, kan? Huhu.
Anyhow, it's Sunday. But it doesn't feel like Sunday. There's something missing about this Sunday but I don't know what. Macam public holiday rasanya. I guess it's because of the royal wedding. You think? And oh, I finally watched Pirates last night. Siukk ehh. I wanna watch it again but I've got Shrek to think about. The thing is bilaaa baik ahh? And Pirates reminded me of Lord of the Rings. Nope, it's not because of Orlando Bloom, I think pasal the fighting scenes. Hmph, not sure about that. Maybe pasal ya trilogy?! THAT'S IT!! Pasal durang TRILOGY!! Bulih inda tepikir! Haihhh!
Abeday2u to Izati. Suku abad udah danggg~ Or you prefer 'Silver Jubilee'. Hehe. Enjoy your Sunday Birthday!!
Before I go, I shall leave you with this picture. It's long overdue but this picture never fails to crack me up. What's wrong with me? I seriously do not know. Enjoy your weekend ;)

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