Raddox Maddox Botox MANTOUX!!
I want a son name Raddox. Aii Raddox! Nama shower gel laki-laki tu. Why Raddox? Kan sama dangan Maddox bah. Angelina's son. I wanna dress my son like Maddox! With that mohawk haircut, army cargo, army necklace (tapi ukirannya wapak!), black singlet from BONDS and Dior's Aviator sunnies for toddlers. Huhu. Iatah Babu marahh tuuu. Hehe. Tapi kan, agat jua tu. Ragat bah with silent 'R'.
Let me fantasise more.. Jadinya I can have Pitt as my husband jua tu? Ummm.. I really don't mind. And wow, Rusty's sooo hot in Ocean's 13. Manis manis manisss~~ Kuat makan pun! Bilaa jua ya inda kuat makan. I'm loving that movie. It's better than 12. Eh tunggu, it's better than 11, I think. So, go watch!
Anyway, I went to see the doctor for my medical-check-up follow up and I reviewed my results. My good-cholesterol is slightly high. So, inda papa. And I'm quite happy with my blood results. Finally, it's normal! Selama ani inda normal? Bukan inda normal.. inda lurus saja. Huhu. And since I'll be working in the lab, I had to undergo a thorough test! Mantoux pun misti jua! So again, kana poke lagi. Poke: needle insertion bah. Haihhh, mana beranti. And just now I had a shot for influenza! Baik jua inda sakit. I reckon pasal kabal atu. Malar udah beinjik ani. Is like nating. Hmph. And this Monday, I have to do Mantoux again. Ada urang cakap sakit, ada urang cakap inda. Mana tah yang lurus ni?
Oh, abeday2u to Qura-Qura-tul!! Happy Birthday, Toi! We're all batches of old people now, huh? Marha! Don't mention it. Hehe. Hope you have a good one. Weekend lagi, so go celebrate!! Forget your books! Huhu. Mwah *hugs*
I'm audi 'cos I hungri..
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