Caustion: This post, to some degree, bagi teseliur ni.
My current-favourite question is SO CANA NI??!! Even my 9 year-old cousin got sick of it, he almost cried! Inda main-main ni. He ALMOST cried! Hehe. I can be such a bad teaser especially when it comes to kids (7-11 years old). Nyaman rasanya mendangar durang menangis atu bah. Macam.. YES!! I WINN!! Huhuhuhuhu. Ok, melarat. Sorry.
It has been a good/bad week for me. I've been eating and eating and eating. Went to Labuan for 2 days and did nothing but EAT and SLEEP. Have to blame it on the migraine. Migraine? Because of the heat bah. Hangatttt, danggg.. Therefore, kalau migraine, misti makan and sleep. DAT WHY!! I even slept in the afternoon. Uhuh, it's that bad. Lagipun kan, kalau di Labuan inda makan, rugi basar. Nini masak nyaman kaliahh.. Dishes inda alang-alang. Mau jua meriah tu. Lauk dua tiga macam jenis masakannya. Hayam ada jua. Daging ada jua. Sayur pun dua jenis masakan. Haihhhh CANA?? Misti jua makan banyak tu. Mun indaaa.. *whispers* rugi. And then on the day we left, gatal lagi ke pasar tu membali Tau Fu Far.. Sebungkus sorang! Minum panas-panas.. Imagine.. HEAVEN jua tuuu. Apam balik nya lagi! Damn son eh! Nipis lagi tuuu, murah lagi tuu, NYAMAN lagi tuu.. Aduiii.. Baik jua inda beumbak basar bah. Mun indaaa, no need to say ahh..
Got back home from the trip and I promised myself that I won't have dinner since I was damn-full. Sekali.. mum made a small-feast which include LAMB! Lamb Quzzi/Kuzi? So CANA NI?? RUGI jua inda kan makan tuu. Yes, inda lagi dapat bedisiplin udah mendangar lamb atu.
And then today, my mum masak meriah again for lunch. Sighhh. And then I decided to skip dinner since I had fries and onion rings (MANNN). Mula-mula kan menyacap saja. And then when I saw the food.. and mum was like "makan sikit saja, jangan tah banyak".. Without thinking twice, cuci tangan and mengaut nasi slajur. So CANA NI?? I think I need work to stress me up, for me to move around pun. I don't need to gain anymore pounds. I can't. Barat rasanya bah. It's not that I wanna be skinny (EWW!). I just wanna feel light and fit since I haven't been doing any cardio/weight-lifting/pilates/sebagainya and going to the gym is out of the picture. So CANA NI??!!
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