So sleeeppppyyyyy. Hmpf.
One fine day at RIPAS, I spotted this.. The first thing that came across my mind was "Eh, cana bulih kana tampal mailbox pulis ani di sini?" Besamut-samut lagi tu..

Few days after that, while searching for a parking at THE MALL, I spotted the same thing except that it didn't have any ants on it. Ehmm.. untuk apakan bendalah ani?
Another few weeks after that, ada lagi bendalah ani.. Somewhere around DELIMA SQUARE. Luruskan tu? Yang siring waho, teguh raya, sebagainya atu bah.. Lurus kan tu?

Iatah my point is.. apa gunanya mailbox pulis ani kan? It's everywhere! Apa gunanya sebenarnya ni kan? It is a mailbox? Tampat urang bai surat arah pulis kah? My brother fooled me and he said dalam atu ada pistul! PLISSS!! And after a serious discussion he didn't sound convincing at all. He sounded like he was just fooling me around.. again! Knowing how gullible I can be. Nya dalam atu ada buku untuk buat report. Kalau emergency case, pakai buku atu jua kan? Cubatah? Baik tah telipun selajur kan. Until now, it remains a mystery for me everytime I have a look at this thing. Membari musykil bah. It's everywhere!
I don't have any plans for tonight. Sad kan? But it's true. I don't feel like going out too. The weather is more like memburuk-dalam-katil-sorta weather. So, I guess I'm gonna do that soon and treat myself, watching DVDs.
Ah oh, I had the weirdest-funny dream. I dreamt of Dr. Bailey! Enough said! Hehe.
Anypants, have a good weekend everyone. Oh, why don't you spend it with F4 (Fantastic 4)? I watched it and I almost cried over it but I loved it. No, bukan pasal ya bagi nangis. Pasalnya..
(1) It's sooo simple macam simple life.
(2) The plot is sooo cheesy macam makan keju. Tapi siuk!
(3) The storyline is easy to understand macam ABC. Ais Batu Campur!
Liat saja, k.
Ehhh, it's mid June already. Dear Brisbanians, good luck with the exams. I know it's time for you to hate uni kan? It's the time of the semester. Relax saja. It's gonna be over soon and you'll be back! YAY! Especially to Mammat, Nadeya, Atoi & Nawi.. my prayers of you! BEST OF LUCK! Aren't you guys excited? ;)
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