Assalammualaikum dear readers..
Sorry for the long break. Mannn, it's been a month rupanya. I just didn't realised that I've abandoned this blog for quite a while. Not only this blog, but other sites too. Oh boy! And YAY!! Finally puasa-ing in Brunei after umm.. let's see 4 years! Inda pulang berapa batah but I just miss that feeling. The meriah-ness and gerai Ramadhan and the terawih and the baduk and the 'Marhabannn Ahlan wasahlan Ya Ramadhannnn~'. You knowww.. Nothing's changed but it's good to be finally back. Inda terasa it's been 4 days udah. Oh, so rude of me, I totally forgotten..
Selamat Menjalankan Ibadah Puasa. Semoga mendapat puasa yang mabrur..? Bulih apply kah tu? Huhu.
Time flies so fast. I could still remember the fasting days back in Sunnybeng. I kinda missed it. Siuk jua bah time puasa sana atu. Meriah. But I'm still glad to be here. And then ani hari ke-4 puasa udah. Esuk esuk seminggu. Esuk esuk 3 minggu tia.. and then HARI RAYA! Speaking of Hari Raya, how's your baju going? And your cakes? Mengorder udah biskita? Well, I have to say that there's a BIG difference in Raya preparation compared to the old days. Dulu kannn, kalau kan membuat baju hari raya, sampat lagi membali kain ni. Sanggup jua tailor masih ni. But nowww.. mannnn.. paksa antar before August! And then, nowadays cake ordering's dateline is like 2 - 4 weeks before puasa. Apa ertinya kan tu? Does that mean that we're gonna 'hias' our house a week before raya? I doubt that! That part misti yang paling last minute. Kan kan kan? Why can't we prepare that awal? Like the baju and the cakes? Hmm.. something to think about.
Sudah kamu ke Gerai Ramadhan kah? Stadium bah? I reckon udahh tuuu. I reckon semua urang ke sana on the first day. I was abit behind schedule 'cos I thought it opens at 4pm! TIAKARANG!! Panyaaa awallll.. So I went there around 5pm, bare in mind it was on the first day, abis wah makanan ahhh.. Sighhh. Did not get anything AT ALL. Serioussss. Ada pulang makanan lain tapi yang in demand brabis, abis udah. Sighhh. Apa ertinya tu?
Yay! No more raining. It's safe for me to go out.. But before that, there are few random things stuck in my head:
(1) I hate to admit this but I am sooo loving Britney's gimme gimme abeden napa performancenya arah VMA atu chawieeee!! Hmph! Lip-sync lagi tuuu. Mentang-mentang ex-boipren dari N-sync! Hehe. Totally irrelavent. (Well, told you, it was random)
(2) Kamu tau kah napa maskot Jolibee atu penyangat? Rupanya pasal Joli-Bee. Penyagat Joli! I just found it like 2 weeks ago. Could I be any lembap-er? Hmph.
(3) Cana ni iPod touch ahh?
(4) Cana ni iPod Nano ahh?
(5) Can I just go to Sunnybeng to get my hair cut.. arah auntie Kuria ahh?? Can kahh?
I reckon atu saja..
Sungkai is in 2hours time! YAY! Selamat bersungkai..