~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Cry tears

It's Friday already. Hmph. Inda terasa. Mid-sem break is going to end pretty soon folks! For those who have been lazing, you should thank Mr. Mid-sem-break for making it happen. Oh, kenapa Mr? As in kenapa ya male? Umm.. Mid-sem-break ani ada power for making you lazy. Apa-apa yang ada power ani, laki-laki jua.. right? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Eh, inda payah.. just leave it like that, ok? Siapa yang inda agree atu, screw you big time in this big world! ;p Nonsense ehh..

Ok, what I've gained from this week? Banyakkk!! Uni-wise, home-wise, shopping-wise, etc etc. Hehe. Apakan! I've realised that I've been crying almost everyday since last Sunday. Atas alasan: GA (Grey's Anatomy). I started watching the 2nd season (only) last week. Thanks to Ren! Hehe. Ertinya kalau aying mata ku ani abis, I think I can blame her. Hehe ;p Apart from that, I even cried watching Terri's interview last Wednesday. Kan sepanjang2 atu menangis. The show went on for an hour. Right now, I can't really open my eyes properly. Inda puas meliat dunia ari ani. Damit mata ani! I was watching two episodes of GA yang deep brabis last night. Very deep.. I really cried. Kan meruhung saja inda. Kesian bah. I think episodes 17&18. I think lah.. Yang besambung atu bah (for those of you yang liat sudah, I'm sure you know yang mana satu kan). Oh well, I guess I have to finish the whole season by the end of this week. I don't wanna be carried away til next week. Inda belaying mata karang. Macam infants yang baru lahir atu menangis, inda belaying mata.

Umm.. what else ah.. Oh, I'm taking 6 weeks off from gym. So, there won't be any Personal Training session, no classes, no circuits.. hmphh.. Sabar saja. Takut saja karang suffering from gym-withdrawals. Sigh. I gotta do, what I gotta do. My Personal Trainer refused to train me if I'm fasting. So yup, I deffered it. Plus, I need to concentrate on my thesis jua. I need the gym though to switch me off from everything. I don't know ahh. I even asked my PT, what happen if I wanna go to the gym. She told me to cheat!! Haha. I love her! She told me not to swipe my card. Hehe. Bisai. I guess I'm not rebellious enough to do that, huh? I reckon I need to start jogging and do some workout by myself. Karang slack brabis wah. So, since my defferal starts this Sunday, I should go to the gym tonight and tomorrow... Umm.. I try lah. Huhu..

Oh, my bus is soon. I don't think I wanna miss it. Kan balik kan liat GA. Kan sambung menangis pun! ;p

I just realised.. I need to shop for new bags. Eh, lain tia pulang..

Bye people

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Please take note

Later at 8.30pm.. what should you do? Turn on 9 network! (For those yang nada plan kan sembayang terawih, k. Since terawihnya di sini ani jadi kemusykilan. Anyway..)

Apa ada? Terri's first interview after the death of her husband (Steve Irwin)

Okeh?!! Get that?

Oh, one more thing.. For those yang interested in sin&ba, the sale is tomorrow rupanya. Haha. I thought it was today. (Thanks Nad for reminding or should I say for making me realised. Aku ani selalu kong bah Nad eh. Hmpff) Yup, atu pun take note, yea? Huhu. For sure, me&my kuncu-kuncu will be linning up esuk tu. Paksa makai kaca-mua, supaya urang inda nampak ketani, ok?! The strategic plan will be further discuss on MSN after Terri's interview. Hehe. Apakan ;p

Proper post later or tomorrow or the day after that or the day after that or the day after that and so and so.. Sambung tia ulih kamu ;p

Monday, September 25, 2006

Ramp operating when lit

It's hurt to think that everyone's in their mid-sem break where I have to cope up with my labwork and writing up my thesis. Hmph. Padan tah ke uni tdi sunyi brabis. Inda brapa beurang. (Bukan beruang ehh. Huhu ;p) I thought it was the weekend. Rupanya it's only MONDAY!! Puhh-lezzz..

So, it was the first day of Ramadhan. It wasn't that bad. I went to uni this morning and left early since I finished my work and had a slight headache. So before getting myself a migraine, I said to myself, baik tah balik, k. And so I did. I slipped a note under my supervisor's office (since I waited for him for half an hour but he didn't turn up) explaining why I didn't wait any longer for him. Sakit kepala bah. Reasons: empty stomach, dehydrated (a lil bit) and inda cukup tidur, k.

On my way back home, my mind was playing what-to-cook-for-sungkai quiz. Mana inda sakit kepala lagi. I tried to sleep in the bus but it didn't happen. Hmph. Biar tia ok.. But sungkai was all good. Sorang-sorang jua kanyang. Alhamdulillah. One down.. Come to think of it.. No more Ramadhan after 28 or 29 days. Sigh. So people, make full use of it ;) I'm not looking forward to hari raya 'cos I know I'm gonna miss home this year.. very very bad. It's gonna hit me on the right spot. I'm gonna miss a lot of people this year's Raya. Sigh. But hey, inda kamu tau di Big W and Myer ada Eid sale!! Kalau kan bali kasut untuk raya, di Myer saja.. buy one and get the second pair half price! Nahh.. ok jua tu. Hehe ;p YOU WISHH!! Ada tiaaa Eid sale! Sia sia pun saja. Tani ani di negri manaaaa.. Oh well, I miss gerai Ramadhan. I miss having sahur and sungkai with my family. I miss mengambil baju raya. Masa ani mutung baju raya misti awal. Lapas hari raya misti selajur mutung for the next one. With that, less mistakes done from the tailor pasalnya time raya iatah durang panic brabis tu. Macam study week for us bah tu or macam 3 hari lagi kan submit assignment. Sama tah tu. Kesiann.. I reckon tailorsnya di Brunei masa ani start udah minum V or Red Bull. Apakan! Hehe ;p And oh, yang bejual kuih ari raya atu, start udah amahnya inda tidur malam ni. Sampai barang kan di terikah bebakul-bakul. Hehe. What am I on about? Huhu ;p

Anyway, last week I came across this "Ramp operating when lit"... Di mana tu nah? Siapa dapat jawap, bulih minjam my credit untuk memsg 20 kali kemana saja.. (those yang tinggal di Brisbane lah) but yang di Brunei atu, umm.. I'll pay for your minyak krita.. for 50cents! Hehe. Ok jua tu.. Seliter jua tu. Sampai jua ke kadai runcit. What more could you ask for? Anyway, my point is.. figure it out! Hehe ;p

I think I'm off to bed saja k before I start another nonsense.

Beniattt tah. Oh oh.. my late grandfather used to say this "Nawaitu sauma radin, nasi di suap, lauk di pigang". Hehe. May you rest in peace, Ni'. Nahhh, I'm starting to miss him. Nitey nite then~


Puasa is in 3 mins.. Yup, Brisbane only gets to start puasa-ing on Monday. Ahir ah. I was frustrated when they said that they didn't cite the moon. Semanjat udah kan puasa ni. Hmph.

I just had sahur. How I am now? Bloated! From all the water consumption and I just couldn't stop drinking. Karang biar yaa develop going-to-the-toilet-every-1-min syndrome. Huhu ;p

Anyway, Selamat Berpuasa. Ramadhan Mubarak.

I miss home *tears*

Friday, September 22, 2006


I was reading Jeeah's blog and it was about Cendol gulayan! Haha. Gulayan plisss. *Marharaini, jangan tah kan mengetawakan urang keh! Diri atu sama jua. Huhu* Okay, I'm about to reveal my most embarassing moment during the fasting month back in 2001 or 2002. Masa atu alum lagi skulah luar negri so puasa is like food heaven! Ok, here goes.. *gulp* (Promise jangan ucapkan or ketawakan, keh?)

It was around 5pm where everyone rushed to the Gerai Ramadhan, Stadium. Well, inda pulang rushing. Huhu. And of course I was one of them along with my sisters. Shopping list? I don't think you need it. Semuanya dalam kepala kaliahh. Hehe. So I had putu mayang (or kutu mayang?), cindul, apam balik and ruti john in mind or maybe my subconcious mind. Hehe. Those 4 items.. a MUST! Sekali I wanted to get the cindul.. and then:

Me: Brapa sebungkus cindul atu?
Teenage guy: Yang mana satu?
Me: *looking at the choices* (Ada 2 pulang. Green sama brown. But I like the green one)
Me: *dengan confident* Umm.. yang ijau atu ah, cindul PANDAN (Uhuh, I said that. And my elder sister didn't say anything. So I assumed lurus lah tu)
Guy: *tekidum* seringgit. Brapa bungkus KITA mau?
Me: Dua saja *Thinking: napa ya tekidum-kidum ani kan. GATAL jua eh* and I handed $2 to him
Guy: *masih tekidum*
Me: Trima kasih ah *hmphh*

So I got all the food and headed back.

Masuk rumah and headed straight towards the kitchen.

Me: Assalammualaikummmmmmm!! *energetically happy*
Babu: Walaikumsalam. Apa di bali, Lai?
Me: Macam biasa. Putu mayang, apam balik, ruti john sama cindul PANDAN
Babu: Apa cindul PANDAN ani?
Me: Yang ijau atu bah. Bukan yang gulanau ih. Inda Alai suka tu
Babu: *smiled* cindul SANTAN lahh
Me: Iakah? *thinking* Bwoh, pandan tah urang menjual atu tekidum, Bo! Salah cakap rupanya *pacah ketawa*
Babu: Eh, daras jua ehh
Abang: (coming out of nowhere) cindul PANDAN *sarcastically*

Hehe. I was practically laughing at myself sampai kan abis energy. Malu ehhhh. Luan confident bah. So guys, it doesn't mean it's green.. it's PANDAN okay?! Hmphhh. Malu ehh.. Every since then, tukar tampat bali cindul. Inda lagi mau arah that particular gerai.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Less than 2 months to my thesis submission. Been pressing the panic button. But lately tetakan Panic!-at-the-disco button tia pulang. Huhu ;p

I had my first Thai Green Curry chicken for lunch at the Enternet. It was filling and satisfying.

Other than that..

I went to Francoise's Honours (Masters) seminar. I swear, at that point I hate scientists! They say 'hate' is a strong word, right? But I think it's about time to use it. It's just so appropriate. The examiners were being mean to her. They asked her questions that make you go blank. The sort of questions where you know you're in big trouble if you don't answer them properly. And knowing that they are scientist *ptui* they tend to ask the questions in a way that they make it so complicated for you to understand and that makes you say "Umm.. can you please rephrase your question. I'm not really sure what it means. Sorry" You knowww?? Those kind of examiners and their super-genius-but-doens't-make-any-sense questions. Hmpff. Saja bah kan membuli students atu. And some questions are just so irrelavant. Cemana kan tu? I was disturbed to see Francoise struggling with the questions. I could feel her stressing out. I really hope it won't happen to me nanti for my Honours seminar.. Nauzubillah.. Mudahan saja ok nanti. Amin Amin.

I went straight back to the lab after the presentation and I tried doing my experiment when I realised that nothing could be done due to the lack of equipment. So, I asked my supervisor if there is an alternative method. But he wasn't being that helpful. He was like "Research is very tedious. Either you do it or not. But if you choose not too, then that's up to you" APAKAN??!!! Bulih lagi ya cakap cematu?! Mental juaa! Why can't he just say "No. There's no other alternative method" Abis cerita. HMPHHHHH!!! At that point I just couldn't take it but shed a tear. Banar jua tuuu. I was already stressed out 'cos I finally got the result from the experiment but the equipment used to analyse the result isn't available in the lab. Aargghh.. I feel so wretched. Bri banci. I feel like I wanna scream abeden takut kuyuk di sebalah atu inda beranti barking. So, jangan tah scream k. Makan ice-cream saja *lame lame* ;p

I go mandi now. Need to wash all the negativity away.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Ups and downs. Lefts and rights. Fronts and backs ;p

Jam menunjukkan pukul 4.50pm and I'm still stuck in the lab. I'm hungry, a bit cranky 'cos I wanna go home abeden my work alum abis, having a slight headache and so onnn.. I've been doing my work for almost 5 hours now. I had a 7mins break where I used it for texting and calling people. Everyone seems to have a bad day today. As for me, I can't really say that it has been a bad one 'cos my experiment works! Inda lagi belubang my petri dishes! Yayy! What annoys me is I can't record my results today pasalnya I need the microscope's eyepiece grid to count the cells. My supervisor told me to count 100 cells!! Banyak jua tu. Hmphh. Apparently this lab do not have the eyepiece. See how it goes later if I'm in the mood to count them manually. Usulnya inda pulang ni. Mati wahhhh~~~

I'm sooo hungry. Cemana kan ke gym ni. I reckon ke Coles saja balik ani and buy groceries since I sort of promised the boys that I'm cooking tonight. The menu? I don't know yet. Iatah kan ke Coles ni. Anyway, I'll get back to you soon.

ADDED at 6.21pm:

It's already 6pm. I missed the bus that goes directly home. So I have to catch 2 buses home. Reason being:

I was packing my stuff, ready to go home at quarter to 6pm. My supervisor walked in and discuss about my experiment. And as he went on, he told me to make some changes. Hmph. He did apologise but *cryyyyyyyy* I'm late for dinner now and I'm sooo starving. ANDDD.. while cleaning up the glasswears I accidently bleached my shirt. Makai labcoat udah tu ahh. Bulih lagi tambus!!! Ok it's like this, I usually clean the glasswears with detergent but before that I use chlorine to make sure that all the cells in the beakers or whatsoever are dead. Sekaliii.. I didn't realised that there was a tear on the plastic bottle. So teperanchit and it got my labcoat. I was calm 'cos I didnt know. Inda terasa kaliahh. Sekali when I took off my labcoat.. hmphhh.. bida selajur baju ani! Padan tah macam sajuk2 rasanya. So double the sasak. I guess it's official now. I would like to announce that I HAD A ROUGH DAY TODAY! Screw you Monday, 18 September 2006!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hot or ice?

I miss going to this place. Hmph. I imagine myself going to Surfers one day finding my way to this Hazel Tea Shop and then head back to Sunnybank. Yup, I would go down to the coast and spend an hour on the trip just to have one drink from this shop. The best tapioca pearls I've ever, as in EVER tasted in my entirely life! I'm not exagerrating, guys! Nyaman brabis. Very juicy and chewy plus the size is *sighhh* Pokoknya, PER-FECT-TO-MON-DO! Not to mention the surroundings of this place and the shop itself.. WOWWW!! Take my breath away~~~~ Huhu ;p Kalau urang Brunei kesana konfirm suka banar! Because the furnitures are Rose-wood-ish. Hehe ;p

The teas are cheap-ARR than CaraMudah (EasyWay) and look, they even have a proper shop. CaraMudah, bar ganya kan. Okay, I don't wanna compare. I still go to CaraMudah though. I mean do I have a choice..? Peace! ;) The Jasmine Milk Tea and the Taro are tasty jua *slurrrppp* So I don't wanna complain. What I was trying to say is, the teas are better at Hazel Tea Shop macam "the burgers are better at Hungary Jack's". Hehe ;p Sama lah tu..

The shop has this trademark of greeting people. Sort of like going to a sushi place or Japanese restaurant where they go "sumimasen" or some kadais where they go *in thick Aussie accent* "next please" or "may I help youii" or "are you alright?". I think you get the idea by now kan? Iatah the Tea shop has their very own way of greeting which I think is unique and cute. Hehe. They go.. "Goodmorning". Eventhough it's already 2pm or even 7pm!! My friend thought that maybe it's "Welcomin" (Welcome in bah) Hehe. I really don't know 'cos it's not that clear but I strongly thinks that it's "Goodmorning". Iatah I think it's sort of their trademark where people will go "You know that Japanese Tea Shop? The one that serves nice teas? Umm.. the one that greets you morning eventhough we're almost done with the day?" The other party will go "Oh, that one!". You know what I mean? Hehe. So yeahh.. kiut lah pokoknya. I love it.

The waitresses are very-super-exteme-ly friendly! Not to mention their Chinese/Japanese/Korean-lish accent and they'll come to your table minutes away after you get your drink asking if you're alright with it or not. It means they care so much for the customers. Mun kan menukar, mengapakan?! Hehe. No no no. No gud, abusing friendly-ness ani.

What intrigues me as well is they only serve teas and crackers. Atu pun inda ramai yang order crackers. But they manage to survive with just teas. Plus, the last time I went there, they've got their own pacakging udah. Macam Tea Bar in the Brisbane city at Myer centre bah. Ada pacakgingnya kan. Warna pink! Anyway, the first time I went to the Hazel tea shop, my first impression was "eh macam mahal kadai ani" sampai I actually imagined that maybe one tea will cost AUD6! Di Surfers lagi kan plus the menus and the furniture, the surroundings and all didn't really help me but think that it's a fancy shop thus fancy jua price nya. It's just too exquisite. But I was glad plus shocked to see the prices of the Teas. So unexpected. Mahal lagi CaraMudah! Banarrr!

And the customers.. be aware if you're into Japanese-Ghetto-like girls! Yup, they always go there. Lawa-lawa lah. And very stylish. With their shoes and bags and outfits. Hmph. Jeles kuee!

Oh the very best part is when ordering the drink. I address the man who take the orders as my 'Uncle Cina'. He's very serious, wears glasses and a bit plump. But I like him. I think I'm in love with him! Haha. Bukan pasal looks nya. Pasal caranya mengorder. Misti step-by-step. Mun selajur, inda menjadi. His brain doesn't work that way. Or maybe it's just one of their trademarks. For example if I wanna order Taro milk tea ahh...

Me: Hi, can I have Taro milk tea please?
Uncle Cina: Toppings?
Me: Tapioca pearls
Uncle Cina: Hot or ice? (sepatutnya cold juaaa. Hehe)
Me: Ice *tekidum*
Uncle Cina: What size? *pointing on the sizes available*
Me: Regular
Uncle cina: Sugar level? *pointing on the sugar levels available*
Me: Normal
Uncle Cina: Having it here or take away?
Me: Having it here *smiles and menahan ketawa*
Uncle Cina: Inside or outside? (ertinya minum di mana? Luar kah dalam?)
Me: Inside (Though I'm still figuring out the purpose of this question since nada difference pun 'cos I remember ordering and I said 'Outside', sama pun cawannya dan sebagainya. Hehe)

Oh, and every answer that I gave, he wrote it down! As in semuanya. Kiutttttt!! Sia sia pun. I'm drooling now. And this shop taught me that Hot Taro milk tea is the best in the Taro milk tea land in the Taro milk tea planet. Nyamannn.. I remember having it time ujan *sighhh* Triple the nyaman!

For those of you who are intersted in the whereabouts of this Shop and would love to experience the great taste of the teas and of course meeting up Uncle Cina, feel free to ask me about it, k.. I wanna share my best experience with you jua kan 'cos the only thing that we're sharing now is the same sky! Haha. Apakan ;p

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The disaster

This morning I woke up with a palau feeling. Mammat actually woke me up since we compromised that siapa awal bangun ia tukang bangunkan. Atas alasan: Kami kan ke uni! Mammat ada mid-sem exam Business Law and I had to do my experiment since my cells were growing nicely and they're all very healthy ;) And so, he woke me up. But I was dead masa atu. Hehe. He did bawa me cakap but I couldn't remember a thing that I said. That's how bad it was. Hehe. But I did manage to wake up.. 30 minutes after that! Saturday bah! Cemana tah jua.

So I went to uni and went straight to the lab. Didn't linger around at all since I was eager to start the experiment. Plus I didn't really finish designing it properly-thoroughly in my head so inda bulih lalai. As soon as I got in the lab, I read through my notes and started calculating the amount of reagents needed.. yada yada yada.. But, it didn't work (my task was to dissolve the reagent, k). So, I turned to my labmate and asked if she could help me. She did and we subsituted something to something. Ok ok.. We substituted the ethanol to cholorform. The reagent dissolves better in choloroform. Well, that's what the Sigma website told me. Hmphh. I wasn't really aware of the toxicity of chloroform. I thought it acts almost the same as the ethanol. BUT.. look at what it did to my petri dishes which were confluent with healthy-looking cells:

So that was it! The end of my experiment. Hmphh. I was really frustrated. Baik lagi putus cinta ni daripada cemani. Drastic wahh.. Yang sayang berabis.. the cells. I've been growing them and they're all died! Pasal chloroform lagi tu. Cuai sendiri jua. Kan menangis saja inda. So, I have to start all over again. Have to go early to uni on Monday. Sighhh. Sabar saja. Better luck next time. At least, niat atu baik tadi. I was actually planning to go to uni again tomorrow (to sacrifice my weekend) to check on the cells again. Since I have to record the reaction after 1 hr then 12 hr then 24 hr then 48 hr :s Oh well, mudahan saja on Monday'll turn out better with the supervision from my supervisor.

Anyhow, wanna take a peep on my lab? Here are just pictures of the lab featuring.. ME! My lab is very old therefore it looks very un-stylish abeden got many sophisticated lab gadgets plus I find peace in this place somehow. To shut me off from the world. So I owe this place one. Apakan. Huhu ;p

Me in action!

Getting ready for an experiment (sub-culturing cells). Aii, inda nampak wording nya. Sorry guys. It says "Messy ahh. Bukan my space ni, k. My labmates punya!"

Spraying the fume-hood with ethanol.

That's it people. I'm just too blank right now. Angau + frustrated + sedih + OCD (kan mandi bah) + a bit sleepy + gatal kan read my book (I've been neglecting it. Sorry, book).

Nitey niteee people~~~

Friday, September 15, 2006

Happy Friday ;)

Wooohoooo!! It's Friday! Eh, hang on.. What am I woohoo-ing about? I still need to go to uni esuk to do my 'lifetime' experiment! Yes, I'm excited.. and nervous. I just discussed it with my supervisor just now. And he was excited too. Eh, hang on (again), I cannot be excited about it. Chill chill like kill Bill thrill. Karang inda sukses. Mudahan saja menjadi. Amin Amin. Ok, people.. start praying for me NOW!!! Huhu ;p

Anyway, as usual I had my lunch with my supervisor and my labmates at the Enternet and I had smoked salmon sandwich! Nyaman! I've forgotten how salmon tastes like. Wowwww!!! My supervisor was sitting next to me and we talked about my project mostly. Seriously, I need to start typing my thesis, mann.. Again people, start pushing me NOW! No no no.. jangan tah, k. Karang pressure and stress so tepaksa suppress! ;p

Hi again. Can I share with you about something? Hehe. Okay, here goes.. Two nights ago I had a weird, funny dream. I was wearing telakung brandnya.. Ed Hardy! Hehe.. Telakung Ed Hardy pliss!! Uhuh, believe it or not. The telakung had an embroidery of the Ed Hardy's design. Bukan yang skull or devil or the geisha ones eh. Hehe. So it wasn't really wrong lah. The embroidery was a big flower (like the picture below) di dapan telakung atu, with rhinestones!! Gemerlapan telakung ku. Ed Hardy lagi tu! Hehe. In that dream, I could feel that it was really heavy because of the embroidery plus the rhinestones. Imagine saja embroiderynya tu mcm one of them caps!

For those of you who haven't heard what Ed Hardy is, don't panic. I'm about to tell you a bit of its background ;) It is a Vintage Tattoo Wear brand and is currently owned by two fashion Lords; Christian Audigier and Don Hardy.

Christian Audigier was born in Southern France and has been a fashion God over the past 20 years where he left his styles on Diesel, Naf Naf, Levi's, Kookai, Lee, etc. He joined Von Dutch (remember this brand?) and made the brand a hit around the world not so long ago. He left Von Dutch in August 2004 and found Ed Hardy. Christian then masterminded the tattoo arts of Ed Hardy and made them into exquisite pieces of art i.e. making tattoo lifestyle brand into full of life and colours, in the other word: MERIAH!

Don Hardy on the other is known as 'godfather of modern tattoo'. He's a painter and a tattoo artist who loves experimenting new designs. I wonder where he gets his idea from. Tattoo designs fascinated him eversince he was little. No wonder he's now a legend in the world of tattoo. Some of his masterpiece i.e. his paintings are exhibited in most of the fine galleries in San Francisco.

Margaret Cho's Ed Hardy tattoo:

Ed Hardy's goodies:

If you're interested in the goodies, google search it yourself saja ahh.. Hehe ;p but remember, nada telakung tu. Caps and bajus saja. Hehe ;p Eva Longaria, Missy Elliot, Penelope Cruz, Madonna, Omarion, Janet Jackson, Snoop Dog, BEP Will.I.Am, Patric Vieira, Ludacris etc etc had been caught red handed wearing Ed Hardy! So, what are you waiting for?

I'm off too bed now. Enjoy your weekend ;)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The difference is...?

Woke up half an hour ago feeling all weak. So lamah. Macam urang hangover kali. Hehe. I think I spent too much time with si Jim kemarin. Iatah abis sakit badan atu. Not sore though. Lamah saja. I could still feel it. So instead of waking up straight away from bed, I lingered around, in bed that is. Playing thoughts in my mind. Planning what to do today i.e. pukul brapa ke uni, pukul brapa balik, what's for lunch or am I gonna have one meal one day policy today? See, banyak kan di pikirkan. So can I say that my day has been productive? Huhu ;p Screw you!

My personal trainer was giving me a task. More like a homework for me. I have to do the brace/hover pose EVERY morning and record the time. So what I did was, since I don't own any stopwatch I used the stopwatch in my fone instead. And then ada split timing and lap timing. Seriously, what's the difference kan? Is the lap timing laju-er? So I should use the split timing.. kah? Hmph. I did used the split timing. Biar tia dulu for the time being. I wanted to used my iPod's stopwatch but I need music jua. I didn't switch on my laptop while I was doing that. Ah well, I guess the next time I do it (which is tomorrow. Hmph) I have to borrow Mirul's iPod. What you reckon? I reckon it's a good idea pulang. Huhu.

Okay, I better mandi and have breakfast. The acid in my tummy is killing me. Panas parut, che..

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Hmph. Paning ku. My world's tilting. Biut ahh. Sama pusing-pusing. Reason: bagas chatting with 6 people in the same window (Sel, Nad, Atoi, Ren, BJ and Merol) on MSN. Sorang-sorang dgn perangainya. Imagine saja I had to put up with that. Sel with her question. Nad and Merol dengan lembap nya. Hmph. Ada saja. Memorize fonts lagi supaya inda payah baca nick durang. Misti ingat the colour and stylenya. Kalau kan catch up paksa scroll. Hmph. Siuk but ada long term effect i.e. what I'm having now. Sakit pala brabis. So I'm off to bed soon.

Thanks to you guys. I had fun. Though crazy lah. Menguji kelembapan ku. Baik jua alert sikit. Sudah ujung-ujung there were just me and Ren ganya tinggal. Ada yang kan meliat 'The most beautiful twins' on channel 9. YEAH MEROL, CHANNEL 9! Hehe. Ada yang kan membuat popcorn. And oh weird thing happened.. udah lama-lama atu, icons/emoticons kami inda dpt pkai as in inda keluar. Nya c Merol ada limitnya. Imagine saja.. Panjang jua tu. Macam chat room wahh.

Anyway, selamat malam Brisbaneku. Good night, Bruneiku ;p

Monday, September 11, 2006

Windy Brissy

Happy Monday, readers, bloggers, writers, student-ers, penggangur-ers, teachers, lecturers and so and so! Hope it's been running smooth as unexpected. Huhu. Ok jua tu, daripada you expect it to be smooth but inda.. kan kan?? My monday has been treating me well. Alhamdulillah. I was totally aware that I was fasting. Hehe ;p

As usual, I went to uni and do the same stuff. Not same lah.. Ada jua changes hari ani. Quite happy with the changes and I can't wait to go back to the lab tommorrow. I can't wait to look at my cells. I grew them on the petri dish this time. I was too eager tadi, so I checked them again after an hour (inda pulang bulih.. but hmphh.. I was eager kan?). So I checked them, and I was happy 'cos the cells were intact to the petri! Yayy!! And oh, I did my first autoclaving. Hehe. The first time after umm.. let's see.. eversince February! Haha! Baru tah pandai. Cemana tah jua. Selama ani I've got someone to do it for me, being the spoil me. Huhu. So I'm quite happy lah. I learned something new today. Huhu.

I even had a good conversation with my labmate, Dorothy, about what-I'm-gonna-do-after-hons thingy. She made a good point though. This honours thing is no longer enjoyable when it's a responsibility to go to uni instead of like a hobby. You know what I mean? Dulu kan, when I did my Bachelor.. at least siuk bah. The pressure isn't really there. But honours.. hmphh!! Oh well, I can't complain now huh? I like it pulang, but the thing is macam kana force ke uni atu 5-6 times a week, 5-7 hours a day. Macam keraja bah tu. You know? So I was like.. I think I wanna do courseworks after this if I ever gonna study (I would love to though). I miss going to lectures. I miss going to tutorials and workshops. I miss doing assignments. I miss studying every fortnightly for quizes. I miss doing exams! I might wanna have a change. Kan kan? We'll see lah how. Depends on where the wind is blowing. Hopefully it's going my way. So tepaksa tah bekiap ni ;p

So at the end of the day I've decided! When I grow up, I wanna be someone like this:

Hehe. Inda relevant kan. Iatah kana marah tu! ;p I wish! I mean.. I don't wish to be a boxer. Abis karang patah mematah idung ani. Udah tah idung urang brunei, inda lagi bebatang tu. Kan di bawa boxing lagi. Jangan tah k. Inda pedah-pedah mancung pulang idung ani, nip-tuck-ing. Huhu. BUT I do wanna be trained like one. Biar tia angan-angan basar, k..

Anyway, I went to the city tadi to pick up 'some stuff' ;p And I went to Borders. Bought 3 books. Yang 3 for 2. Bargain jua tu. I really need to get back being a bookworm. And it's the only thing that can make me stay at home other than online-ing and watching TV. Save cost jua kan! Budget bah. Inda lagi batah 'the sale' kannnn..

I went sungkai with Din, Nina and Mizah (who I just got acquainted with). Friendship kami baru 5 jam umurnya. It was so nice of them to accompany me sungkai di Satay Club. We were there for hours. Inda beranti becerita, beibun and of course picked on Din. The only male kan. Iatah.. Hehe ;p Good catch up with Din and Nina pun.

I didn't expect to stay in the city that long. But it was worth it. No guilt pun. Pasalnya I haven't been out anyway. Baru tah meliat dunia tu. Baik jua inda culture shock ;p

ADDED at 11.17pm:

I am sooo sleepy and tired and hungry. I don't know why. I was on the phone with Sel earlier and she complained "Has it always been this cold or rumah ani kusung?" Haha.. Could you be anymore lembap, Sel? It's been windy and raining lately, therefore, SAJUK! It's been really cold seriously. Dalam news, they said that it's the coldest day during the Spring season. Banar pulang eh, I've been sleeping with my jumper and my socks on. Hmph. I don't really mind 'cos one day I'm gonna miss this weather. Really good to be memburuk in.

I reckon I'm going to bed soon. Lapas ani lah. I'm so sleepy. Need to wake up for sahur later though. Or should I have my sahur now? *fickle* I'm having the 'K'-syndrome. Huhu. Karang kalau kan bangun, payah lagi. It's cold bah. And the idea of planning to wake up at 4am isn't a good one. Knowing me.. inda tebangun tu plus with the warmth of my bed.. hmph, not helping either. I don't wanna risk it. So I guess it's best to have my sahur around 12am. I reckon my eyes will be fine though paksa struggle. Sigh..

Ok people... I'm gonna start reading one of my books now. The problem is.. which one?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Seriously.. LUPA!

Incident #1 (12.08pm):

*buka pintu bilik*
Mammat was in the kitchen kan masak nasi
*gave him the peace sign*
Mammat: Ko mau nasi?
Me: No, thanks
Mammat: Banar?
Me: *thinking, considering* inda ehh. It's ok
After 1 minute
Me: Astaaa, aku puasa jua ari ani. Astagafirullah. Lupa ku *laughs*
Mammat: *laughs*

Incident #2 (1.58pm):

*Mirul knocked on my door*
Me: Yess? (Chehh.. mcm BOSS)
*Mirul entered*
Mirul: Bah Ka, check tah movie ah
Me: Lapas ani *fixing the blog*
Mirul: Ka, pukul brapa EasyWay tutup ah?
Me: Awal ni drg tutup. Sunday kan ni. Baik tah membali awal ani. Balikan kaka selajur
Me: *check purse* Aii, nada duit Mirul. Krg kaka bayar. Balikan Taro. Yang regular saja. Jangan tah large. Bah agatah Mirul.
Mirul: Bah
After 1+ minute
Me: Asta. Kaka puasa jua ni! Lupa saja. Astagafirullah *laughs*
Mirul: *nyaman ketawa*
Mammat who was in the other room, menyampuk *laughs*

Hmphh!!! Seriously.. lupa! Bukan seriously.. ten! ;p And yeah, masa ani ramai girls berabut2 kan membayar puasa. Hehe. I'm one of them. Suka bah last minute atu. But in a way is good kan. Selajur saja puasa sunnat. Syabaan lagi. I still have 2 more days to go. InsyaAllah. Mudahan saja sampat. Barat bah membayar ani. I'm sure some of you understand how I feel, kan?

Anyway, happy Sunday people! Happy lazing!!! ;) I should've gone lazing in my bed today. Sajuk today 'cos it was raining. It's still cold though. I can't go back to my bed because it's already done. Hmph. So sabar saja. Lain hari saja memburuk.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I'm sorry

I would like to apologise to:

(1) food. For neglecting them these past few days. Sorry for not consuming you properly

(2) my tummy. For making it growl all the time. I say I blame this to the appetite

(3) the kitchen. For not cleaning you and using you

(4) my housemates. For not cooking. Soon, k. InsyaAllah, when I'm back on my feet

(5) my bed. For abusing you. I know I'm suppose to 'use' you for sleeping only but.. I can't help it. I owe you one


(6) my personal trainer. For dissapointing you during the training earlier. I was really weak 'cos I haven't been consuming enough food. (Sorry again, Food).

Mannn, banyak dusa cemani ani. Seriously I didn't do very well for my training this morning. I did the hover pose sekajap saja. I was a bit dissapointed with myself. Oh well.. And guess what, I wanted to do Body Pump pun inda terdaya. So I went back after my training session. Then back again to the gym for Body Balance (tai-chi + yoga + pilates), since my PT was instructing it. It was alright.

To: Jeeah

This is your baju. I'm jealous. This is the last size pun! Consider yourself lucky and you have to keep your words, ok? You know that so much effort was done in purchasing this shirt kan. So please.. Show us that you can!! ;) It'll be in your hands soon. Sooner than you think ;) Trust me, Jeeah sorang ganya makai ni nanti. Go crazy with it, k. Hehe...

Tag replies:

Yus: Coolies like woolies you like monkies wear panties but can't kiss kiss. Hehe ;p

7269: Sorry eyy.. hehe. Nada Adidas-tekuladas ;p I'll make a research nanti

N21: It's only $200!! But check on ebay if you really want it. Mahal pulang tu, Nad. Ridiculosly mahal. Oh, I surely did got my hands on them!! Fonzie kaliahh!

Friday, September 08, 2006


No no no.. I'm not talking about the Fonzie that was mentioned in one of the F.R.I.E.N.D.S episodes. The one where Phoebe delivered 3 babies. I think that was season 5. Yeah, that was it.. and Nope, I'm not talking about that Fonzie. You'll know as you read through. Oh, I checked.. the name of the episode is 'The one hundredth'. Hehe ;)

Caution: This blog will be different from the others and I really hope you'll enjoy reading it ;)

Past couple of weeks ago, I exposed myself to a different world. Not entirely different though. Something new. Something interesting. Something worth knowing. It all started with my trip down to the Gold Coast and explored through Surfers Paradise's shops. I went to Level 3 and saw this huge collection of Nike SB. Something intrigued me about the shoes as I picked up a Nike SB (for females). What fascinated me was the Nike logo was made from ostrich's skin. Really nice. And the one that fascinated me the most was the logo. A small logo that took me a while to figure out that it's actually bunnies lining up in a circle. So it looks like a flower. If you happen to be in Brisbane, you can check this shoe out at Apartment at Elizabeth Arcade. Yeahh mann.. the shop open sudah! And the shoe also come in the Male-version. Ada rabbits jua.

Anyway, one of the staffs there in Level 3, Dan, was telling me and my friend about this Nike SB Dunk Low (Limited edition) also known as SABOTAGE. Since it is an asian exclusive, only selected Nike SB account holders got them such as Singapore, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and maybe Indonesia. Apparently 32 pairs came to the store (Level 3) and before they got them into the shelves.. all 32 pairs were gone! And there was this one person who bought them that was worth AUD2000. I reckon he bought them in different sizes or could be the same sizes and sell them on ebay. Ever since then, some stores that sell Nike SBs have a policy that customers can only buy 2 pairs of them. Takutnya rugi I guess. And some got shifted to different countires by request like the UK since they didn't get it there. Whereas in GP (General Pants) back in Brisbane, got 20 pairs but all got sold out in 3 hours. It's weird what sneakers can do to you. That's why it got me thinking and this is part of the reason why I'm putting it on my blog ;)

As I was saying, people went crazy about this sneakers. The picture below shows the line up in Singapore on the day the Sabotage was released where they had to line up at the hot-humid car park for 5 hours and bare in mind, there were only 50 pairs or so available but hey, look at the line up. Ramai ahh. Berabut jua tu. These people were just trying their luck. For the love of sneakers bahhh.

So this friend of mine was thinking of getting one. Too bad it was either the stores got them sold out or there was some issues on the size. Hmph. So one of the staffs at GP told him to give a store at Bulimba a call. Apparently, the store got a size for him.. only it was half size bigger anddd.. it was the last pair in Brisbane! So we went all the way to Bulimba and trust me.. I really really love that place. I imagined myself staying in one of those apartments there (and that if I settled down here and work). Hmphh.. angan-angan basar ;p Anyway, when we got to the store, he tried it on and he fell in love with it. Though it was half size bigger. BUT there was a mixed up where the staff had to make phone calls because apparently 'someone' got it on hold. (The staff looked so stressed with the Sabotage 'cause she told us that there had been a lot of dramas going on with the SBTG. You think?! Liat saja gambar ahh.) So, I almost gave up when she said that.. but it happened to be that, that 'someone' was my friend!!! The staff from GP called the Bulimba store up for him. How cool is that?! So he put it on lay-by. Smart move, huh?! I was really really happy that he got it! *all smiles*

Two weeks after or so, we went to Bulimba again to pick up the Sabotage. I was excited. He was excited! I reckon my fren ani over the moon masa ani with the Sabotage. Hehe. We had to rush since the store was closing. As soon as he got there, he was surprised to see that the size wasn't the right one! It wasn't the one that he tried it on! It was half size smaller.. meaning: it was his size!!! The exact size! Miracle kah magic tu? Iatah behantu this particular dunk low! Good antu in a way ;)

Okay, now I'm gonna tell you a bit of the background of Sabotage. It is designed by a Singaporean, Mark, who is quite involved with all the designing kit eversince he was little. He designed all other Sabotage and he has his own logo on all Sabotage pairs. And I think this particular Sabotage I'm talking about is one of the finest looking SB range. It has a flap as well.. but in my vocab, I call them 'misai'. Hehe. Just like one of those golf shoes. So far I only seen the Nikes and the Pumas with misai. I haven't seen the Adidas ones yet.

Anyway, the Sabotage is kinda a 'cammo' since it has always been the theme for all of the range and with this particluar one it is more exposed to the Royalefam graphics. The logo I was talking about is an arabic initial. If we read it, it says 'Fonzie' or 'Fanzi'. But it actually reads SBTG in English. The 'ya' is 'S', the 'zot' will be 'B', the 'nun' (I suppose) is 'T' and 'fa' will be 'G'. Make sense kan? And that's what I like about this logo. Coolies like woolies ;)

Others SBTGs collection:

I really hope you enjoyed reading about this Nike SB 'SBTG' Dunk as much as I enjoyed knowing it ;)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Short and random. Huhu ;p

Sorry guys, I haven't been blogging. Will be back shortly ;)

One thing, masa ani harga iPod video makin MURAH udah. Turun SERIGGIT!! So guys, baik tah membali! Hehe. Yang warna putih saja. Yang itam sama the new one, U2 (black with red "keypad") sama masih harganya. Huhu.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Pesta Sungai di Selatan Tebing

First and foremost, I would like to thank Queensland Govenment, Brisbane City Council and 9 (Channel 9 bah) for making my night so memorable and splendid. And overwhelming pun. Unlike the previous River Festivals where I had issues and stuff. Hmph. Ahir tia, tepampan tia. But this year's.. I guess it was the best so far. Macam kami duduk di front seat! ;p It was the best spot with a very good view sampai luan banyak kan di liat. At that point I wish I had 2 pairs of eyes. Maybe 3! Huhu. Puas jua. I spent it with Sel, Nad, Atoi and Sarah. Yeah baby, all girls! :D At first I wasn't planning to go under some circumstance (eseh..apakan ;p) abeden, the girls were like "Bah Marha, let's just go. It could be fun". Persuasion after persuasion.. They got me. So I guess I should thank them for bringing me. It was a night of fun I must say. Fireworks watching has always been everyone's favourite. Kan kan? It was the biggest night in Brisbane as people would call it since the fireworks went on for half an hour! Yeah mann, batah kaliah. For those yang di Brunei, kami pun ada fireworks keh! Hmph. There were different types of fireworks. Lain from the one yang di Brunei. Plus it was a synchronized ones. As in ikut lagu! Banar2 ikut lagu ahh. We were fascinated with them so we gave them names such as Ambutit (tadpoles), Gula-gula, Tinkerbell and ada jua yang kesian yang inda dapat naik tinggi! Hehe. It was all fun. And we were so close to the fireworks (front seat kaliah) that the ashes gugur ke mua! Uhuh! Ampir banar! But sokay, siuk brabis. It was worth it though we waited for one and a half hour for the jets and the fireworks. The jets were just.. *sigh* purrr-feecccttt.. With the sound and.. WOWWWW!!!!

After the ohh-ing, aahh-ing and aii-lawa-ing, we headed towards Batavia to complete the night. As usual I ordered Chocogatto ;) We hanged-out, chit-chatted and asked each other lame jokes and riddles. Hehe. It was a good catch up for me ;)

Anyway, I'm gonna get myself ready for bed now. Ahir udah pukul 12am udah. Passed my bed time. I have to do some house cleaning as well. Hmph. Nite-nite people ;) Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy September ;)

Yayy! I finally got my graduation pictures! Baik jua inda basah. Anyway, these are the group photos. Satu serious and the other one yang crazy! Or yang capi-capi as Merol would call it. Huhu. Pebret nya kali ah ;p I'm too tired to blog as I just got back from uni. It's been a long day for me and I can't wait for it to be over. Enjoy the pictures (I know 2 buting ganya.. but jadi tah). And thanks guys for coming on my graduation day (my graduation was last April. Huhu. I know lama udah. Hehe)