Guilt, redemption and satisfaction
Oh, I had the best satisfaction over my crave today! I had this longgggg craving for custard puff (yg mcm di Mum's) eversince God-knows-when. So before heading back home earlier, I treated myself to the puffs and milk tea with pearls. I never tried the milk tea at that particular bar and guess what? It turned out gooddddd!! The pearls were chewy. Kan sama macam the pearls from my favourite tea shop! Very chewy!! I'm all satisfied now. Huhu ;p
Oh I called up my mum yesterday and the conversation went:
Me: Hello. Assalammualaikum
Mum: Walaikumsalam. Apa abar, Lai?
Me: Baik. Alhamdulillah. Babu?
Mum: Alhamdulillah, semua mcm biasa.
Me: Behapa Babu?
Mum: Ni, menjait telakung ah. Untuk Ridha (Ridha's my 2-year-old niece)
Me: *giggles*
Mum: *laughs* Awu, masa ani teikut2 sembayang ya udah. Iatah babu jaiti telakung. Lalai kan tepakai-pakai telakung urang saja. Luan basar bah untuk kedidia.
Me: *laughs* Kiut jua. Mana ya, Bo?
Mum: Tu nah main measuring tap
Hehe.. Isn't my mum classic? Sama inda leagi batah Ridha atu menjait telakungnya sendiri tu. Selajur ya bejual untuk toddlers lain. Haha. Mun sudah main measuring tape. So unusual, yet adorable. I miss herrrr... Ok, I'm gonna leave you with a picture of my mum and my dear, Ridha.