~*Mushroom Lover*~

I love Mushroom soup. I like my skabetti with Mushroom. I love shitake Mushroom and Mushroom ship. I prefer my well-done Steak with Mushroom sauce. I like Mario Cart's Mushroom Cup. Therefore, I'm a Mushroom Lover!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Kiss goodbye..

WOWW!! Lama udah inda masuk blogger. I even had difficulty remembeing my username. Hmph. Bulih. Goldfish memory banar. There's no reason why I've been neglecting The Mushroom Lover Blog Spot. It's just that I haven't been inspired to blog plus I've been busy and tired and stress. YES!! STRESS!! Finally, work has gone into my system. As I said previously that 'work's been treating me well'.. *pause* NOT! Sighhh. Everything went out alright.. until last week. The busiest week of the whole busy-week planet! I learned on a totally different section. The heaviest section of all. Last Saturday I was even one-woman-show-ing! The others were busy bleeding donors whereas I, was running all TESTS in ALL sections and was reporting stat requests and was fixing the bloody machine because it decided not to cooperate with me. Sigh. It was giving errors and errors. Matiwah. And and and, the engineer came at the wrong time, fixing another machine which was also in demand. At the end of the day, there were loads of pending requests. BUT I managed to report all the stat requests in time i.e. at 11pm. Hehe. In time tia karang. Baik jua half day wah. Mun indaaa, MATI!! MATI kebuluran. Minum aying pun inda sampat ani wahhhh.

Other than that, I'm gonna start my oncall pretty soon. The schedule was released and when I saw my name was scheduled for this Friday's oncall, my heart was pounding and my stress hormones leaked through my cheeks' veins and in no time I could feel the taste of the hormone in my mouth. Haha. Brigali and menipu tia! Oh well.. I reckon, sabar saja. Enough of me at work k.

I had the best-ticklish-almost-2-hour massage last night. WHY? I got back pain. Trying out Beyonce's Beautiful Liar's move wasn't a very good idea. Hahaha! Yeah right! Bilaaa juwaaa. I think I got it from all the standing atu kali. But it was all good. Erased all the knots and muscle-tensions and now.. I'm 'angin-ed' free again ;p But it left me with bruises. Minor bruises. Apa ertinya tu nah? Jangan tah gatal nyuruh 'harder' keh.

Oh, did I tell you that my current addiction is Ummahfilm. Thanks Nad for the recommendation. I really like it. Plus urangnya tu kinda manis jua. Huhu. You can't blame me 'cos I'm guy-watching deprived. I don't even remember how to guy-watch. Sighh. Ertinya.. Selll.. I need you! Huhuhu. Ok ok, back to Ummahfilm. It is currently on season 2 now. And I still have lots to catch. Huhu. Bare in mind, first season ada 10 episodes. For me, it's banyak enough. Dulu when I used to have longer days, luan sikit pulang tu. Hehe. If you don't have any idea about this, you can have a peek on the 'pilot':

What you reckon? I like it 'cos it's funny!

WOW, April is coming to its end. I have to kiss-goodbye-and-never-look-back to this month. Overall, for me.. it's been a rough one. I'm not blaming work entirely. Kalau inda bekeraja, inda jua siuk. So I'm wishing, praying and hoping for the best for this coming May and the rests of the years. Huhuhu.

To Mammat: I miss taking the bus with you pun and ALL THE BEST! I'm sure you can do it! Black robe, here I come tu ehh ;)


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Kwispy Kweme

Dearest people,

Sorry for the lack of posts. I'm still breathing, still working at the place where I'm working. Huhu. Nope, bukan Nando's keh. If you still think that I work in Nando's.. seriously? SERIOUSLY?? Aahh, how I wish pulang. With me being surrounded with those happy-relaxed people again, I would loveeee toooo! Sigh. Work has been treating me well. I'm getting the hang of it. I'm gonna move to a different section sometime around this week but will be staying in the same department. Apakan. Mawuu juwaa ;p I've been treating myself, well to be exact, people've been treating me to good good food lately but at the same time, been losing a few, once again A FEW kilos. I think pasal my muscles are all landir now. Which frustrates me to the bones. Hmph. Fact: muscles are heavier than fats. I seriously need to go back to the gym, mannn. But where?

To the Brisbanians, welcome back to uni. Huhuhu! Reminder: You've got a few more weeks left to finals. Apa ertinya tu? Some of you are just half way through and some of you are graduating!!! How dis? Nad and Atoi, you hear me.. HOW DIS?? Good luck to the both of you. Finish it off, girls! I can't wait to see kamu in those black robes!! ;)

Oh, and I heard there was a BSS tourney going on at Hibiscus Centre?!! And WOWW, congratualtions to all the GU teams! I heard that you made it through the semi-finals. I'm soo proud of you!!

To Mammat: Sorry Mat. I thought you join them ke Sydney. Rupanya abiskita mencari nafkah over the Easter hols. Rajin~ Rajin~ Rajin kah.. kerana duit kah? ;p I miss Nando's but I miss you more!

Oh, over the weekend I was shocked plus a bit dissapointed for someone over this..

"f*cking hell! my mum tapau krispy kreme the sampler. skali she went to *** n forgot it in the *** or something. kana curi dang...! pain my heart sikit. i hope they choke in the first bite. nda payah mati. just choke kan mati. sial!"

Sel, I feel you. I'm so sorry for your lost. Sampai ari ani masih ku pikirkan ahh. Hmph. First, it's Krispy Kreme. Second, payah mencari. Third, nyaman! Fourth, kana curi. Kana curi pliss. Oh well, sabar saja, Sel. It's a big deal 'cos it's KRISPY KREME. Period.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

can't get over you..

Happy Birthday to my dearest-penangis-bibiran niece, Ridha who's celebrating today. And she's only 3! I can still remember the day she was born when I got the text. I was in Sydney! Sydneyyyyy.. babyyy!! *sigh* And also Belated Birthday to Fidah168 *hugs* I trust you had a blast, right? Take care.

Today, I've been thinking a lot about Brisbane. Gosh, I really can't seem to keep you off of my mind. How bad do I miss Brisbane? Hmm.. let's see, I miss..

(1) running to catch the bus whenever late. I was always late anyway. Lalai~ Lalai~ Iatah angih-angih tuuuu.. Haihhh!

(2) nasty bus drivers. I believe that the first bus that you take on an expected-fine day and then the bus driver is giving you shit, then don't get into any bus for that day.. ever. Semua tu bus drivernya pemarah. Macam bejanji! Macam they planned for it! Hmph;

(3) the smell of beer whenever I walked pass a pub. Ani kes banar-banar miss udah ni. Mun rindu beer smell atu. Huhu ;p

(4) getting broke, as in zero cent in bank account and almost zero cent in the wallet and zero cent dalam Tabung Amanah Duit Bus. Siapa inda pernah broke, then you never tasted the sweetness in life. Huhu. Tips for getting broke: go out window shopping with a wishlist in your hands. It works! You daydream about that stuff and then BAM.. bila *kaching kaching* it's about time.. There goes the lay-by and efpost-ism ;p Ahhh, the beauty of being broke~ Or or or, you could just stay at home and be in bed on a Friday night!

(5) getting skin dryness pasal winter! Iatah time Body Shop kaya niiii~~

(6) dressing up for winter. I once said that I hate doing this. But hey, I'm missing it now. Hmph. Can you blame me?

(7) getting into a bus at peak-hours especially at 3pm-ish where the amount of stinky school-kids are elevated. Hahaha. Biah! Buat macam reagent! ;p In this case, I don't miss the smell, di Brunei pun ada! I miss the situation;

(8) the sound of crows every morning whenever I tried to sleep in. Again, I miss the situation, I don't miss the crows. Terima kasih saja kayyy;

(9) the freezing times where the sajuk ke tulang. Brrrr.. And the hot hot hot sticky-summer nights

Damn, this is just getting too deep. Brisbane, if you're reading this, this is like saying "I even miss arguing with you.." *sigh*

Oh to Selly and Ren, I hate you 'cos you're in Melbourne having a blast of a lifetime. Jeles kuee~~

To Din (Mahyuddin de Woof).. *high five hard* We threw away the dirt!

To Mirul&Co., have fun in Sydney!!! Sydneyyyy babyyy! Jangan lupa Havis k. Thankies you like monkies ;p

And to others in Brisbane, have a good mid semester break!! Spend your break wisely! Don't spend it with books and that's for sure ;p

Saturday, April 07, 2007

On a few things..

On abeday2me. Thank you for the greetings, people! Thank you for remembering. Yang obersea atu, wish I was there or wish kamu di sini but I'd rather be there pulang. Huhu ;p I guess my birthday was well spent with my family. It's been a while jua kan. Enough of that, k..

On abeday2u. Happy Belated Birthday to Abang! You're sooo old!

On daily basis. I haven't been posting, blogging or updating, whatever you may wanna put it, but yeah I haven't been duing something with my blog. Dear blog, I didn't ignore you, ok. I now have a commitment with my bed. Huhu. Sejak keraja ani kan, ngalihhh sajaa. But only when there's nothing to do in the lab, balik rumah, ngalih tu. But time busy, inda ngalih. How is that possible? And and and it's been 2 weeks already! Seriously inda terasa macam seriously ten! I miss you, Ostrayliah.

On ranting. Anyhoots, I just got back from watching Jangan Pandang Belakang. It got my adrenaline jumping here and there. There's this one scene, brijap brabis!!! Hmph, just go watch lah. And I keep on wondering, why do people talk so much (volume senyaring alam pun) in the cinema and laugh like they never laughed before and screamed like screaming is the only thing they're good at? Huh? Huh? Annoying bah. Macam jakun! Sorry, I just had to rant. HMPH!

*deep breath in and out*

On weekly basis (used to). And oh I finally got my ass off to Cina Kuminis. It's been a while. Confirm urang di Kuminis atu tau bini-bini yang selalu kesana atu, keraja udah! Huhu. Now I've got DVDs to watch! Yay! Tapinya kan.. bila? Sigh.

On job-hunting (the real one). I got through the MOH's first penilaian and went to a short-noticed second penilaian. It was on Wednesday at around 11.30pm that I got the call and the interview was at 2.30pm!!! Eh, cana kan tu?? How dat? I reckon it's that urgent. Hoping. Praying. Wishing.

On rabbits. Tiramisu hopped out of the kandang again. My maid's just sooo cuai!

On Ridha's vocab.. My two-year-old niece cracks me up whenever she says these:

Labunan - Labuan
Putan - Jemputan
Reverse - Parking (She actually doesn't know when to use it)
Jajap ahh~ - Kajap ah
Ida unya ni - Ridha punya ni (Hehe. R nya silent! Plus she always say this twice)
Pakat pupu - Papat kuku (The best one so far! Haha. Pupu dangg)

Hehe. Isn't she adorable? Now I can't wait for Hannah's vocab.

Have a good weekend ;)