Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha ;)
Selamart Hari Raya Aidiladha, dear Readers ;) (usually, what do you greet kan? Like Hari Raya Aidilfitri, you say: Maaf Zahir & Batin but this one apa?) Hehe. But you know what I mean kan? Nothing much going on for this Hari Raya except that we always go to our Nini Kapok's place. Other than that, we're still deciding what to do tonight. Maybe nothing much. Just staying home I guess. I'm reluctant to celebrate New Year since it's Hari Raya Haji. I don't know..
Anyway, news on the wabbits. The bunnies died. Both of them. Sigh. We still don't know which one's the mother. It happens to be that the-unnamed-wabbit (but now ada nama udah. Huhu) is a boy! Eh, mana inda inda mau menyusui. And Snow White is a boy pun! Hehe. And and and, I just found out that we have 5 wabbits altogether. And and and I was mistaken Toffee as Caramel. Well, K-nah didn't make that clear. Hmph. Confusion after confusion. After the death, it was hard to explain to the kids. We can't mention 'mati' to them, so I just had to use 'meninggal'. And Ridha was asking me why the small-isolation-cage was left unopened. She thought that the wabbit ran away. Conversation went like this:
Ridha: Ameeeett~~ napa ya buka sini?
Me: cage ani small, sampit for the rabbit. So paksa simpan rabbit atu balik arah cage basar arah rumahnya. Supaya ya dapat hoping hoping and running running~
Ridha: Rumah yang sini?
Me: Awu rumah yang di sana
Notice that she uses sini for sini and sini for sana as well. Hehe. She's only 2 bah. Oh, news on the kids..
- Aimin and Ridha were fighting over a 70cents notepad. I don't know why pulang. Maybe there's something about the notebook. KaIrlen even had to get a new one, the same one. Ada-ada saja. I think I better get that notepad. There must be something about it. Hehe. Mun inda, inda sampai betangisan bah. So yeahh.. Hehe..
- Anees poo-poo-ed on me!!!!! I had to change pants pulang ganya. It's not that bad cos she's only 5months. She even gave me a noty-smile. Hehe. Oh well..
Anypants, I'm gonna grab something. I'm starting to get a migraine. I'm sooo hungry. Oh oh oh, did you know that Dr. House was also in Stuart Little?? Geena Davis's husband. He looked so geeky in that movie. And he was also in 101 Dalmation?? He was one of the bad guys!! WOWWW!!! Tsk tsk. Dr. House.. Dr. House..