Sorry guys, it's been a while. Sibuk bah, abiskan my GA series and yup, finally.. ABIS!! I love Grey's to the maxi taxi. A friend checked the ratings on, pun very tinggi. What do you expect from Grey's anyway? Highly recommended. Satisfaction guranteed. So baik tah membali boxsetnya keh! Jangan tah download atu. Huhu ;p
Anypants, I need to stick to my title. Inda bulih menyeleweng ni. So here goes..
It was a lovely sunny Thursday, 28th September morning in Brisbane. Bila jua inda sunny di Brisbane ani. My alarm was doing its job in waking me up. Nope.. not for uni. But for the SALE. The biggest SALE in my 4-years life in Brisbane or should I say the biggest in my whole life? Me and the girls planned for it a month plus ago for this sale. Been saving up for it as well. Hehe. Sanggup tu ;p And we came up with strategies. Hehe.. That one cannot reveal. Maluuu!!
The sale started at 11am at City Hall. I left the house at quarter to nine in order to make it for the bus. I met
Nina in the bus and we arrived in the city around 10.20am. I could still remember vividly (eseh) what song was played on my iPod. Kira bagi semangat lagi. And I could still remember what each and everyone of us were wearing. Semuanya strategy pun. Hehe. Anyway, inda bulih carried away kan.. So, we waited for
Ren and off we went towards the City Hall. When we got there, there was already a line! Uhuh! Kami sampai pukul 10.45am. Ada line udah. The line looked pretty much like this. It was already a U-shaped queue.

As we waited, makin ramai urang datang and we were in our best mood.
Nadeya and
Atoi came a little late. I think pukul 11am kali. With the heat striking at its best, and ramai sekali bini-bini in the world.. the stylish ones pun ada, so sorang-sorang dangan ulahnya lah but we were patient enough with the heat and lambat start lagi. Hmph. And this picture shows the people blakang kami:

Uhuh!! Panjang kann.. I think the queue went on sampai the stairs. I think lah. I'm not sure!
At 11.30am, FINALLY.. we were allowed to go in. But only at a very small amount. Apakan, macam me-measure reagent. Huhu. I spend too much time in the lab bah. What do you expect?! Okay so.. nya urang Brunei incit-incit. 20 urang, 20 urang lah.. We were the lucky 5th batch to go in.
We were so eager and excited. I think adrenaline rush pun. We were basically waiting for the man in blue shirt to go out 'cos he was the one who would let us in and count us.
Nah kan.. almost there.. Our hearts.. begagar pun big time. I was kinda nervous jua. Hehe.
*gulp* *iski* INDA LAGI LAMA...
Finally.. we got in around 11.45am. 1 hour queue-ing didn't turn our spirit down. When we got in, that was when each and every one of us was struck with bangang-ness. The lady said "Please form 2 lines, so that you can alternate with your friends to sit down". In my mind: Eh, duduk di lantai? Why are we sitting down again? Pokoknya, membari bangang. It took us a while to figure out that, that was their strategy. Hehe. Durang pun ada strategy bah ;p Supaya they can maximise the amount of people dalam the hall and sitting down, supaya inda mengalih bah.
We were ushered to a room full with chairs and the room usulnya macam graduation-church-ish room. Or maybe tampat urang perform opera! Hehe.. Just look at the people. Mann.. ramaiii.. Nina was I guess, sibuk betasbih, Ren was taking picture (hehe) and Atoi was surprised by looking at the queue.

While waiting in the hall, this was when our jobless conversations came out. We came up with different theories, napa ya cematu or napa ya cemani. Hehe. As usual Nadeya, Ren and I were in our best lembap mood. Haha. We just couldn't stop laughing and laughing. Barangkali pasal the atmosfera macam bentuk sfera. Hehe. Atoi even caught Entourage's Pilot on my iPod. Hehe.
The most interesting thing that triggered us was this sign:
Hehe.. Majority of us (eseh, mcm ramai saja) thought that.. Siapa yang ada left ear, inda di benarkan masuk. Hehe. Or siapa ada telinga, not allowed pun. I came up with "My case is even worse, I've got 2 of them!". Hehe. I can't remember either Ren or Nad thought that it was something to do with disabled people, particularly hearing disability. "Too much sound in the room iatah no gud for deaf people pasal inda pedah jua tu, mcm tah drg dpt dangar jua" Hehe. I don't wanna quote that. Sorry ahh.. no offense people. I guess we were tired and jobless and excited, k.. Combine together iatah jadinya tu. So sorry :(
Rupanya that sign means "Hearing aid is available". Sel told Nad, Nad told me. But the thing is.. Napa ada cross sign? Hmph.
After an hour wait.. finally as in FINALLY, we went in. The security asked if we were wearing any of the goodies. (I haven't told you kan.. sale nya sale apa.. you'll find out soon). None of us were wearing any of the goodies. One of our strategic plans. Hehe ;) As we went in, we had to find our way through the stairs until we finally found the ACTUAL room. It was madness! Inda beusul bilik atu. Too much jeans, too much shirts, too much... SASS&BIDE!!!!! Yeahhh mann.. sass&bide!!! Can you hear me? SASS&BIDE bahhh!!!!
They divided the jeans according to their sizes. And gosh, it was hot and soo many people in there. Baik jua inda claustrophobic. I guess inda lagi tepikir tu. When we got in, semua kami bepacah and said our lucks to each other. At first I couldn't find any jeans.. sikit lagi hampa.. BUT last last ada jua. Went to the 'fitting room' with Atoi. The 'fitting room' was double the madness. Hehe ;p I wasn't really happy with the one that I picked 'cos it was one size bigger. And then, I saw the same style laying on the floor, maybe someone tried it on and left it there, and when I checked the size.. it was the right one. So, I tried it on.. PURRR-FECCTTTTT!!!! Basically all jeans went down from 50-70%! sass&bide kali ahhhh.. Ren found hers first, tried it on and paid straight away. Kesiann.. Kepanasan ya. Me and Atoi found ours and decided to go for 2nd round but I was just too dizzy. So I went to the cashier. We had to again queue for one last time... It wasssss WORTH IT! The 2hrs of queue-ing in total and another hour in the madness room.. was all worthwhile. We practically bought 2 sass&bide jeans for the price of one!

It was one hell of an experience. We had fun. We were satisfied from the long wait (sebulan setangah kaliah kami tunggu ni). We were knackered at the end of the day. But all in all.. it was worth it. Lapas ani inda lagi mau meliat any sass&bide jeans. But I can't wait to own another Standaside. Huhu. Can you blame me?
Founded by an enchanting duo where their like minds think alike. sass, taken from Sarah-Jane Clarke whereas bide from Heidi Middleton. The label started in London and rose up to fashion heights and now well-known with their jeans collection variations. The label then expanded throughout South East Asia, USA, Europe as well as the Middle East and of course it started from the land downunder, Australia specifically in Sydney in the year 2001.
sass&bide also is good for those women who appreciate elegancy and those who love sexy-styles - the more contradicting, the better! Haha ;p Their main moto is 'don't look too pretty', imperfection can be much more stylish than looking overly-polished and coordinated. There you go girls.. tips tips tips.