Aahh.. It's Sunday..
I can't believe it's already Sunday. The next thing I know it's December! And it's time to go back to Brunei! Yayy!! ..with success and satisfaction. Amin Amin. I was reading BruneiResources every now and then.. gosh, makes me miss Brunei brabis *sighh* With the International Tattoo and Perayaan and umm.. macam-macam lagi lah. Krg sudah urang di Brunei, mana ada papa tu! Hmph. Kensel excitment kan balik Brunei. Refund! (saja bah. Being dramatic. huhu ;p)
I must say I had a great weekend. Surprisingly, I spent most of my time at home! Yesterday I went out to Runcorn to get some daging. Me and Mirul go crazy brabis. We bought 2kgs of chicken breast, 2kgs of minced meat, 4 chicken pies, a kilo of mexican sausages umm, apa lagi ahh.. salami... Pokoknya we went crazy! The reason being: kami malas kan ke sana lagi til next 2 months. (If possible. hehe ;p) I was really edgy yesterday sampai malas kan ambil bus from Runcorn so we decided to take the cab. I tried calling the Yellow Cab tapi palui! Membari menyumpah! My patience was really being tested and I failed! I couldn't stop swearing (not the hardcore ones though) Inda mau get thru bah. Suruhnya hold and I waited more than a good 7 mins of my life tapi nda jua kana jawap. Sayang jua credit tu! Then we saw a cab from afar so I hailed sekalinya URANG LAIN punya. Hmph. So I quickly took the number and called! Baik jua ada. And it paid off brabis pasalnya the taxi driver was sooo MANIS!! Urang GREEK! Manis brabis. Tapi matanya ampir but lawaa! Don't get me started with his lips, nose, hair.. sighhh. Jangan tah k. Pokoknya MANIS!! Spent the whole journey talking with him (cos he was one of the friendly taxi drivers) and my edgy-ness?? ALL GONE!! Thanks Mr-Manis-Greek-with-nice-eyes-but-ampir-guy. Hehe ;)
Then we went groceries. Don't get me started with our shopping list. Hehe. And I found a place that sell Chinese Pancakes!! I had them yesterday, the Custard fillings of course and I had them AGAIN this morning. I was soooo looking forward to them. Iatah bangun pukul 9.30am tadi pagi atu! Hehe. Tepaksa sacrifice my weekends' sleep-ins 'cos they only sell them during the weekends.
I spent the rest of my Saturday cooking and treating myself with a good meal. Hmmm.. I can't really recall what I did later in the evening. Lazing kali. Huhu ;p
As for this morning, I went to get myself the Chinese Pancakes (as I mentioned earlier). This time I tried the ones with chocolate fillings. It's wasn't that bad. Sorry, Custard for being curang. Hehe. After that I walked around Sunnybank Plaza, experiencing myself to the busy-ness of the place during a Sunday morning. There were lots of Asians. Especially Chinese. Kalau meliat urang putih pulang musykil rasanya. Hehe. And I never saw that much children running around the plaza. Banyak brabis ani wahhh.. Hmph. Maybe 3-5 years ago was the Baby Booms' year! Hehe. What you reckon? Huhu ;p
Later in the evening I went to catch You, Me and Dupree at AMC. Australian Maths Competetion wahh!! Huhu. I think it was Sunnybank's Australian Multiplex Cinema. It was a good movie. Cali pun! I love it. Even Mirul likes it. Owen Wilson was so funny in that movie and Kate Hudson.. WOW!! Lawa badannya tu! Anyhow, my bed needs me now. Since LOTR: Return of the King is playing on TV, I might as well watch it and hopefully it'll put me to sleep. Need to go early to uni tomorrow.
Have a good week everyone ;)